LoadPicture Pathname or no Pathname

  • Thread starter Philipp Schramek
  • Start date

Philipp Schramek

Dear all
I used following code

Image3.Picture = LoadPicture("TempVB.gif")

in a UserForm-Object. It worked withoug the pathname, since the file was
in the path of where the excel file is saved.

Now I programmed something similar like:

UserForm1.Image3.Picture = LoadPicture("TempVB.gif")

in a Worksheet.
In this case it does not work without the pathname.

Does anyone know why and if so does anyone know what I can do about it
because I want this programm to be flexible enough to find the picture
file in whichever folder the excel file and the picture file are saved.


Tom Ogilvy

No, it the picture file is not in the default path's searched by excel, it
will not search the drive to find the picture.

Also, if using the image control in the worksheet, why do you preface it
with Userform1?

Unless you need to use the events of the image control, you could put the
picture directly on the sheet with

ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert sPath & "\TempVB.gif"
Tom Ogilvy

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