Loan Acceleration Sheet


Thomas Kunka

Here is my desire...any assistance in finding a preadsheet to do this would
be greatly appreciated. My offer in return are my ideas listed below.

Many mortgage companies offer "equity accelerator" program in which
automatic deductions are made from your accounts TWICE a month (such as the
1st and 15th) rather than just one payment. The two amounts generally equal
what would have been the monthly payment. The idea is that my making more
payments, that even though the amount per month is the same, the interest
that accumulates is less and thus your home equity is "accelerated" and time
to pay off the loan is reduced.

I need a spreadsheet to calculate a variable accelerated program and compare
that to the monthly schedule that would have been and checking that the
multiple payments per month equal or exceed the monthly payment and any PMI
or Property Tax Escrow.

Where I am going with is and why I say "variable" is that with the magic of
scheduled electonic transfers, one could set up a weekly transfer. In
theory, if TWO payments per monthly period "accelerate" then a WEEKLY
payment would be even better, right?

So, you would have to have your standard amortization table for comparison
and then one where you could input the number of payments per year, amount
of payments and the schedule of those payments, PMI, Tax Escrow, etc.

The problem I am having is that the Loan Amortization template in Excel
isn't all that calculates the payment amounts for you based on
the initial variables without taking into account payment schedule which is
key to this calculation since it impacts the accrual of interest. The
schedule is also key because depending on how the "transfer days" fall
within given months, the total of payments for the month may exceed or fall
below the total payment the bank expects for that month.

The payment amount itself needs to be able to be set so that you can 'pay
extra' on each payment if needed so that if your monthly payment was $1000
and there were 4 weeks in a month, you could may 4 payments of $275 for a
total of $1100 this acclerates the mortgage further and could prevent
underpayments for certain months.

Despite the concept being in my head, I cannot grasp the calculations around
it. This is not a 'for-profit' or a homework assignment looking to have
someone do for me...I am simply a homeowner with a concept to explore. I am
sure that an Excel guru could figure this out.

thank ([email protected])

Jerry W. Lewis

I suspect that you are confused about the details of the loan program.
Generally, these are set up to do a half payment every two weeks rather
than twice a month. The difference is that you make 26 payments a year
rather than 24. Most of the acceleration comes from the extra payments,
not the partial interest payments.

Suppose that your data is set up as follows
A1 = loan amount
A2 = annual interest rate (such as 5% = 0.05)
A3 = term of loan in years

A4 = The monthly payment, given by

If you make half payments twice a month, then the loan will be paid off in

If you make half payments every two weeks, then the loan will be paid off in

If you make quarter payments every week, then the loan will be paid off in



You'll have to make sure that your mortgage company will allow this.
Although most mortgages allow pre-payments, I don't think they obligate the
mortgage company to calculate your P&I four times per month. In other
words, they will be happy to credit you with your four payments each month,
but they won't necessarily show them as having been made each week. They
will probably show them as just having been made "that month."

The semi-monthly mortgage programs are set up in advance to track payments
twice a month.

Better call your mortgage company before you get too deep in to this.

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