Local Frontpage Search Form



I have a client base that primarily runs Windows XP, and I am now in the
process of creating help-documentation for my software in HTML that will run
locally on each individual computer Install. I wanted to add a Frontpage
Search Form component to the HTML help files, but have discovered that
Frontpage search forms require a web server running either IIS or WAIS in
order to function.

Is there any other methods besides the above for implementing Frontpage
search forms or alternatively, Is there any way to have IIS or WAIS FrontPage
Server Extensions installed locally on each Windows XP computer, without any
interaction from the internet or a Web Server??

Innovative R&D, Inc.

Dearborn Laser & Cosmetic Center
Floorworx, Inc.
Affiliated Medical of Dearborn


The FrontPage search component requires a web server with FrontPage
IIS is a webserver, and is the only webserver that will support FrontPage
extensions on Windows XP. IIS will not run on Windows XP Home.
The search will use either Index Service, or WAIS if Index Service is not

IIS, Index Service (if required), and FrontPage 2000 extensions can be
installed from the Windows XP Pro installation CD. But they need to be
configured correctly.


In my opinion, a badly configured or mis-used Web server is a huge security
hazard. If you use this method, you will also have to
install/check/configure anti-virus and firewall applications/hardware.

Rick Budde

I interpret what you have said ("help-documentation for
my software in HTML that will run locally on each
individual computer Install") as meaning that the users
will get this HTML help on the CD that you provide with
your software.

If my assumption is correct, you are attempting to use a
hammer (Front Page) when you should be using a saw (HTML
authoring software).

Stefan B Rusynko

What are you trying to do
- search the site or search your help files?
You only need the FP SE for the site

To search your Help files build it (from your html pages) in the HTML Help Workshop
Get it free at

| I have a client base that primarily runs Windows XP, and I am now in the
| process of creating help-documentation for my software in HTML that will run
| locally on each individual computer Install. I wanted to add a Frontpage
| Search Form component to the HTML help files, but have discovered that
| Frontpage search forms require a web server running either IIS or WAIS in
| order to function.
| Is there any other methods besides the above for implementing Frontpage
| search forms or alternatively, Is there any way to have IIS or WAIS FrontPage
| Server Extensions installed locally on each Windows XP computer, without any
| interaction from the internet or a Web Server??
| Thank-you.
| --
| Innovative R&D, Inc.
| Dearborn Laser & Cosmetic Center
| http://www.dearbornlaser.com
| Floorworx, Inc.
| http://www.floorworxinc.com
| Affiliated Medical of Dearborn
| http://www.amdmd.com

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