This question is somewhat related to Doug's of 26 May 2006, but has a
different angle:
If my project runs in more than one country, the resources in different
countries will observe different national holidays ... say Memorial Day in
the USA and Whitmonday in the Netherlands.
Is there a way I can group my resources by country and have their calendars
observe only their own national holidays? (I know from JulieS in Doug's
discussion that holidays cannot be set for multiple years.)
Or do I have to manually enter all local national holidays for each resource
in his/hers own calendar?
different angle:
If my project runs in more than one country, the resources in different
countries will observe different national holidays ... say Memorial Day in
the USA and Whitmonday in the Netherlands.
Is there a way I can group my resources by country and have their calendars
observe only their own national holidays? (I know from JulieS in Doug's
discussion that holidays cannot be set for multiple years.)
Or do I have to manually enter all local national holidays for each resource
in his/hers own calendar?