Locating a Chart



This maybe an impossible feat for excel, but I'll ask any
ways. I have 12 charts on one sheet (one for each month of
the year). These charts take up alot of space due to the
complexity of the charts. I would like anyone that is
interested in viewing the charts able to find the Year-To-
Date chart with ease. The charts are as compact as
possible and still able to read (Ctrl and Scroll Button on
Mouse was used).

Is there a way to have a transparent icon or symbol(even
text if possible) to show users in what direction the
chart is?

Nigel Graham

If I understand you correctly you are trying to zoom in on a chart?
If that is the case you could use a little VBA to select an area behind the
chart and view selection.
you could add a button to allow a tidy way to use the macro:

zoom_chart ()
Range("I2:Q24").Select 'Selects range Change to fit your spreadsheet
ActiveWindow.Zoom = True
Range("M2").Select 'Change to cell behind the chart so they can't see
highlighted cell
End Sub

I hope this does what you wanted.

Nigel Graham


I don't know how to do macros.As for zooming on charts, I
kinda wanted to have an arrow point in the direction that
the YTD chart is in. And as I scroll down the arrow keeps
pointing in the direction of the specified chart.

Tushar Mehta

For a non-programmatic solution:

Put the YTD chart at the top (or the bottom) and people will always
know where it is. If at the top, then as long as there is a chart
visible above what is currently visible, they need to scroll up.
Reverse if the YTD chart is at the bottom.

Also, consider using just one chart for the monthly information and
change the chart's source based on what is desired. See examples 3
through 6 on the Excel | Tutorials | 'Dynamic Chart' page of my web


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

Jon Peltier

Who needs VBA? Put an arrow (or other autoshape) in the workbook, or
just select a cell. Choose Hyperlink from the Insert menu, skip the
first box, and type the range behind the chart in the second box (Named
Location in File). Now clicking on the shape or in the cell will bring
you to the chart.

- Jon

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