Word 2003
Most recently I posted a question entitled "Document Based upon an Existing
Template". As always, I received a notification of a response to my
question. However, in clicking on the appropariate link to view said
response, I now (for the first time) receive a prompt indicating that the
server cannot be found.
Is there a way of alternatively tracking or connecting to the posted
response? Has something changed with regard to the site, as I have
additionally found that opposed to receiving the "sign-in" icon, I now only
have an icon indicating "help" and/or "edit my profile"?
Thanking you in advance for any assistance, I remain...
Very truly yours,
Most recently I posted a question entitled "Document Based upon an Existing
Template". As always, I received a notification of a response to my
question. However, in clicking on the appropariate link to view said
response, I now (for the first time) receive a prompt indicating that the
server cannot be found.
Is there a way of alternatively tracking or connecting to the posted
response? Has something changed with regard to the site, as I have
additionally found that opposed to receiving the "sign-in" icon, I now only
have an icon indicating "help" and/or "edit my profile"?
Thanking you in advance for any assistance, I remain...
Very truly yours,