locating character position in a text string



want to locate a character position in a text string, i.e. want to know what
position it is in the string ex// "1234 /CAIU456789" / would be the 7th
position. Is there
a Built In Function for this?

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

GeoVron said:
want to locate a character position in a text string, i.e. want to know
position it is in the string ex// "1234 /CAIU456789" / would be the 7th
position. Is there
a Built In Function for this?

This will locate the position of a character in a string. If the character
exists more than once, it will give the position of the last occurrence.

Function RightInstr(strString As String, strCharacter As String)
' Name: RightInstr
' Purpose: Counts the position of the last occurence of a character in a
' Author: Arvin Meyer
' Date: 02/03/97
' Comment:
On Error GoTo Err_RightInstr

Dim intPos As Integer
intPos = Len(strString)

Do While intPos > 0
If InStr(intPos, strString, strCharacter) <> 0 Then
RightInstr = intPos
Exit Do
intPos = intPos - 1
End If

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_RightInstr

End Function

John W. Vinson

want to locate a character position in a text string, i.e. want to know what
position it is in the string ex// "1234 /CAIU456789" / would be the 7th
position. Is there
a Built In Function for this?

Yes: it's called InStr.

Instr("1234 /CAIU456789". "/")

will return an integer 7.


want to locate a character position in a text string, i.e. want to know what
position it is in the string ex// "1234  /CAIU456789"  / would be the 7th
position.   Is there
a Built In Function for this?

You can use the following
dim Posixx
Posixx = InStr(string, Characters)

[string] could be "1234 /CAIU456789" or a field name where the string
is in
[Characters] could be "/" or a field name where the "/" is in
[Posixx] is the position number where "/" is, i this example is 7
When the Characters searched are not present into string,
the system put a "0" into Posixx


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