locating data in text.


Sam Hodo

I am new to this..
I need to list the directories and file names for over 1800 words in over
600 files.
I hae the words to search for in a .TXT formated file.
The files I need to search are Excel formated.
I need the results placed in an output file.

Can anyone help me with basic code to preform the search.

I am running XP sp2
..net = 2003

Thanks for your efforts..

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?U2FtIEhvZG8=?=,
I am new to this..
I need to list the directories and file names for over 1800 words in over
600 files.
I hae the words to search for in a .TXT formated file.
The files I need to search are Excel formated.

Can anyone help me with basic code to preform the search.

I am running XP sp2
..net = 2003
In that case, you're asking in the wrong place. This is a WORD.vba.beginners
group. You need help with the Excel object model, and in addition you're not
using VBA, but a .NET language (which you don't specify).

To find out how to "search" something in Excel, you want to ask in the
excel.programming newsgroup. And it wouldn't hurt to get a head start by
recording a search (Edit/Find) in a macro, to get the basic syntax. Go from
there to the Help to find out what the objects and commands do, which
parameters they require, etc. Then you can ask more exact questions of the
experts in excel.programming.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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