locating records in Combo Boxes



I have the following fields in my Employee ID combo Box: employeeID,Last
Name, First Name,Mid,Office

I Have "hidden" the EmployeeID column so when the user starts typing, the
box begins searching by Letters in the Last Name; however given the number of
employees, there are many last names that are the same. I want to give the
user the ability to further type letters in the FIRST name to help filter the
list. Can I do this? Do I need to Combo boxes?

Thanks so much.

Allen Browne

You already have a combo where the Column Count is 2, and the Column Widths
is 0.

Set its RowSource to something like this:

SELECT EmployeeID, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS FullName
FROM Employees ORDER BY [Last Name], [First Name]


Thanks so much! Works great

Allen Browne said:
You already have a combo where the Column Count is 2, and the Column Widths
is 0.

Set its RowSource to something like this:

SELECT EmployeeID, [Last Name] & ", " & [First Name] AS FullName
FROM Employees ORDER BY [Last Name], [First Name]

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Lele said:
I have the following fields in my Employee ID combo Box: employeeID,Last
Name, First Name,Mid,Office

I Have "hidden" the EmployeeID column so when the user starts typing, the
box begins searching by Letters in the Last Name; however given the number
employees, there are many last names that are the same. I want to give the
user the ability to further type letters in the FIRST name to help filter
list. Can I do this? Do I need to Combo boxes?

Thanks so much.

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