Lock a Form From Multiple Users


JD McLeod

My primary table contains records for different departments (loans, deposits,
etc.). I have a form set up for data entry which has a filter applied at
start up to only show the records for a specific department (loans).
Therefore in this example, I have two forms that are identical, except one
has a filter for loans and one has a filter for deposits. The user can only
add/modify records to the table by using the forms. I want to apply a rule
that prevents a form from being open by more than one person at a time. The
file is stored on a shared directory and we have about 5 or 6 users. Last
year, I created a query for each department and had the individual forms run
off the query, but this year, I decided to use a filter and not have those
extra queries. Thanks.

Pat Hartman\(MVP\)

Preventing multiple people from opening the same form is not necessary even
when the database is shared. The form is opened in memory so each user has
a separate instance of the form.

Queries with select clauses are much more efficient than filters since they
reduce the amount of data that the form has to deal with.

Best practice says the database should be split so that the back end data
stays on the server where it is shared and each user has a separate copy of
the front end on his c: drive.

JD McLeod

Thanks Pat,
I just have one file and everyone opens the same one. I take it that is not
an example of back end and front end? Can you explain a little on how to
accomplish this since I am new to access. Thanks.

Pat Hartman\(MVP\)

In the Tools menu, under Database Tools (I'm using the A2007 beta and don't
have A2003 to look at so you may have to hunt and peck), you'll find the
database splitter wizard. This wizard will create a new database and export
all your existing tables to it. The wizard will then change the existing
database so that it links to the tables in the new "back end". You can then
copy the front end database to each user's computer. Having separate front
end copies on each user's computer improves the stability of Access and
minimizes the potential for corruption.


I believe I can also use this splitter wizard for a data base we just
designed for 18 users.
My question, is can the front ends be put on separate servers? Our users are
in 3 different locations (cities and states). We would like the back end to
remain in the central location.

Thank you in advance.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

The front-ends need to be on workstations, not servers, except under the
circumstances you mentioned. The only way to get acceptable service from a
system located in multiple areas is to use a Terminal Server. Put the data
either on the Terminal Server or on a separate server, but have a separate
folder for each user with his own copy of the front-end on the Terminal

If you have less than 21 users, you can do this with an inexpensive
(relatively) machine using WinConnect.


If you anticipate more than 21 users, it is better to get a Terminal Server

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