Lock a Form (tight)




I've been working on a form for the last few days now. I'm just about
to release it to my users but having problems lockin' the form up.

I've read some chapters and looked at some help function but I seem to
still be having problems.

I'm trying to make this thing as fool proof as I can-can anyone
provide a link or advice on how to lock a form. I've adjusted the
form in design view and even tailored the switchboard on 'startup.'

A specific problem that I'm having is with the roller on the mouse.
It appears that a user can look/edit a previously entered record.
This will undoubtedly cause confusion when the user thinks he/she is
scrolling down the form when in fact they're going back to their
previous record.


Mitch Harper

Depending on how tight you want to lock your form down, I might also suggest
disabling the Shift bypass key. Users are able to bypass all startup options
by holding down the shift key while opening the .mdb file, which sounds like
something you want to avoid.

This databasedev.co.uk article clearly details the process:

Hope this helps you some!

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