Lock Calendar



I have a calendar form that our employees are using to enter in vacation
days, sick days, etc. My question hopefully has a simple answer.

How do I prevent a user from changing information on a past date? They
should be able to edit future dates where they may have scheduled a day off
but not dates that have already passed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Linq Adams via AccessMonster.com

Where DateTextBox is the control holding the date that has been entered.

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.DateTextBox < Date Then
Me.DateTextBox.Locked = True
Me.DateTextBox.Locked = False
End If
End Sub


Ideally this should work perfect but maybe its the form.

I was sent this form to use, created by Ray Corbin as a monthly schedule
The form is set up using unbound text boxes with =ThisIs() in the On Click
event. The code for the form includes:

Function ThisIs()
Dim TDate As Date, C1 As Integer, StrSQL As String, TypeAttend, RecDetect
C1 = 1: TDate = Me![scr1Date]
Do Until C1 = CInt(Mid(ActiveControl.Name, 3, 2))
TDate = DateAdd("d", 1, TDate)
C1 = C1 + 1

This code enters the dates for the given month. These boxes are named CC01,
CC02, etc.

Now I know I would need to put this code in for each textbox but when I
tested in on the first (CC01) the word "locked" gave me a "compile error"
"Method or Data Member not found".

Any ideas?

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