Hi Everyone,
I hope someone can help. We have several people checking out a project file (MS 2007) from a sharepoint, and I would like to lock down the custom fields. for example I have Task/duration/%done?Pred/Succ/Study Owner/Resource.
Another PM checks it out and adds some other fields or columns that are not useful to the overall project. Everytime she checks it in, its in her format, and when I check it out I have to change it back. Is there a way to keep those columns locked?
I hope someone can help. We have several people checking out a project file (MS 2007) from a sharepoint, and I would like to lock down the custom fields. for example I have Task/duration/%done?Pred/Succ/Study Owner/Resource.
Another PM checks it out and adds some other fields or columns that are not useful to the overall project. Everytime she checks it in, its in her format, and when I check it out I have to change it back. Is there a way to keep those columns locked?