Lock Form Size between design and form views?



I am making a splash screen for my database. The form is just small (3" x
3") with a text box and an image. I have the form properties set to dialog,
no controls, and popup. the form background in design view is the correct
size (just a little bigger than the image control and the textbox) however
when I open it in form view the form is larger than I want it. (2 1/2 times
wider and a little taller than the controls) Why is this happening?

Albert D. Kallal

Set your border to sizeable, and then flip into view mode.

Now, simply size the form in view mode until you have it just right...

(use a control-s while viewing to save).

Then, flip into design mode,and change the border style to thin, and then
save again.

You might consider turning off auto-resize.

and Set autocenter = yes.

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