lock frame to top of page, with text flow around it

  • Thread starter Rob van der Heijden
  • Start date

Rob van der Heijden

Dear all,

I have placed a figure with its caption in a frame and aligned it to the top
of page 2. Paragraph 1 before the figure ends some lines above the bottom
margin of page 1. I would like paragraph 2 to start on page 1 immediately
after paragraph 1 and have the text flow around the figure. For some reason,
this appears to be not possible and paragraph 2 consistently starts on page 2
after the figure.

I have the impression that it has something to do with the fact that the
figure is locked to paragraph 2. If I insert figure 1 in paragraph 1 and
place it at the bottom of page 1, the text of paragraph 1 flows nicely around
it. This is not what I want however, because then the figure appears before
referred to in the text.

Any suggestions?



I think I understand what you're asking. Let me try to draw what I believe
you described as your objective and your result:





If my understanding is correct, here are a couple of work arounds. First,
when the figure is selected, if the anchor shows a small padlock, the image
is locked to the paragraph. If you can't see the anchor, go to Menu > Tools >
Options > View Tab > Print and Web Layout Options and make sure the "object
anchors" box is checked.

If your image is locked, right click on the image, select "Format
[Picture][Figure]" and select the "Layout" tab. Click the "Advanced Button"
and on the "Picture Position" tab, make sure "Locked" is not checked. Close
everything out.

This is a feature I'd sure like Microsoft to enhance, but anchors always
attach to the beginning of the paragraph. If the paragraph and image don't
fit on a page, it will jump to the next page in order contain the figure.
However, if you anchor the figure to paragraph 3 -- even if it's a blank line
following paragraph 2, you can set the figure into paragraph 2.

There are two ways to do it. If you want the figure to appear at the top
margin on the page, set the anchor in paragraph 3 (you should lock it to that
paragraph). Just make sure the "locked" box under advanced layout is checked.

Then on the same window as the "locked" box, go to the "Vertical" options,
and select "Alignment" and in the drop down boxes select "Top" and "Margin."
Then set your horizontal alignment (left, right, center, absolute, etc).

The second option is instead of selecting "alignment," you can select
"absolute position" below "paragraph" and set the distance with a negative
number to the right area.

From the description in your question, I'd recommend going with "Top"
"Margin" so that the image doesn't move if paragraph 2 is expanded or
paragraph 3 drops lower on page 2.

Hope this helps. Maybe one of the MVPs has an easier fix.

Rob van der Heijden


thanks for your elaborate answer. I would draw my problem like this:

XXXXXXX (end of paragraph 1)
XXXXXXXXXX (start of paragraph 2)
| |
| |
XXXXXXXXXXXX (paragraph 2, top and bottom wrap around frame)
XXXXXXX (end of paragraph 1)
(blank lines)

| |
| |
XXXXXXXXXX (start paragraph 2)

Your suggestion of creating a blank line as paragraph 3 indeed works. The
drwaback is then that I have to insert a blank line after every paragraph,
which I in principle don't want.

What I can also do, is lock the figure to paragraph 3 anyway, which only
works when this paragraph also starts on page 2.

Therefore I am still interested in other solutions, but will probably stick
to the blank lines if none appears.

By the way, I am using frames. The 'format frame'-window is different from
the 'format picture'-window, it has fewer options for instance.

With kind regards,

Eric said:

I think I understand what you're asking. Let me try to draw what I believe
you described as your objective and your result:





If my understanding is correct, here are a couple of work arounds. First,
when the figure is selected, if the anchor shows a small padlock, the image
is locked to the paragraph. If you can't see the anchor, go to Menu > Tools >
Options > View Tab > Print and Web Layout Options and make sure the "object
anchors" box is checked.

If your image is locked, right click on the image, select "Format
[Picture][Figure]" and select the "Layout" tab. Click the "Advanced Button"
and on the "Picture Position" tab, make sure "Locked" is not checked. Close
everything out.

This is a feature I'd sure like Microsoft to enhance, but anchors always
attach to the beginning of the paragraph. If the paragraph and image don't
fit on a page, it will jump to the next page in order contain the figure.
However, if you anchor the figure to paragraph 3 -- even if it's a blank line
following paragraph 2, you can set the figure into paragraph 2.

There are two ways to do it. If you want the figure to appear at the top
margin on the page, set the anchor in paragraph 3 (you should lock it to that
paragraph). Just make sure the "locked" box under advanced layout is checked.

Then on the same window as the "locked" box, go to the "Vertical" options,
and select "Alignment" and in the drop down boxes select "Top" and "Margin."
Then set your horizontal alignment (left, right, center, absolute, etc).

The second option is instead of selecting "alignment," you can select
"absolute position" below "paragraph" and set the distance with a negative
number to the right area.

From the description in your question, I'd recommend going with "Top"
"Margin" so that the image doesn't move if paragraph 2 is expanded or
paragraph 3 drops lower on page 2.

Hope this helps. Maybe one of the MVPs has an easier fix.

Rob van der Heijden said:
Dear all,

I have placed a figure with its caption in a frame and aligned it to the top
of page 2. Paragraph 1 before the figure ends some lines above the bottom
margin of page 1. I would like paragraph 2 to start on page 1 immediately
after paragraph 1 and have the text flow around the figure. For some reason,
this appears to be not possible and paragraph 2 consistently starts on page 2
after the figure.

I have the impression that it has something to do with the fact that the
figure is locked to paragraph 2. If I insert figure 1 in paragraph 1 and
place it at the bottom of page 1, the text of paragraph 1 flows nicely around
it. This is not what I want however, because then the figure appears before
referred to in the text.

Any suggestions?



I'm not as familiar with frames, but here's a tip on the blank line. To
avoid leaving a large space between paragraph 2 and 3, use Format > Paragraph
and fix the blank line height to something miniscule...like 2points or .05"

In the fix I gave you, the wrapping "top and bottom" will give you the
result, but in frames ...?

Try this, it's weird, but I it worked.
In the area of paragraph 2 below the page break, insert a blank text box.
Right click and select "Format Text Box." There is a button on the lower
right that says "convert to frame." Click that button, when the warning
message pops up, click OK.

Now you have a floating frame in your frame. Right click on the border of
the floating frame and you'll see a "No wrapping" option, that shows text
wrapping top and bottom to the floating frame (regardless of width). Select
that wrapping (or lack of it). Then use the positioning options to set the
floating frame. Floating frames don't have anchors. You can also blank the
border around the frame and its background color as well.

I tried this, and it worked.


Rob van der Heijden said:

thanks for your elaborate answer. I would draw my problem like this:

XXXXXXX (end of paragraph 1)
XXXXXXXXXX (start of paragraph 2)
| |
| |
XXXXXXXXXXXX (paragraph 2, top and bottom wrap around frame)
XXXXXXX (end of paragraph 1)
(blank lines)

| |
| |
XXXXXXXXXX (start paragraph 2)

Your suggestion of creating a blank line as paragraph 3 indeed works. The
drwaback is then that I have to insert a blank line after every paragraph,
which I in principle don't want.

What I can also do, is lock the figure to paragraph 3 anyway, which only
works when this paragraph also starts on page 2.

Therefore I am still interested in other solutions, but will probably stick
to the blank lines if none appears.

By the way, I am using frames. The 'format frame'-window is different from
the 'format picture'-window, it has fewer options for instance.

With kind regards,

Eric said:

I think I understand what you're asking. Let me try to draw what I believe
you described as your objective and your result:





If my understanding is correct, here are a couple of work arounds. First,
when the figure is selected, if the anchor shows a small padlock, the image
is locked to the paragraph. If you can't see the anchor, go to Menu > Tools >
Options > View Tab > Print and Web Layout Options and make sure the "object
anchors" box is checked.

If your image is locked, right click on the image, select "Format
[Picture][Figure]" and select the "Layout" tab. Click the "Advanced Button"
and on the "Picture Position" tab, make sure "Locked" is not checked. Close
everything out.

This is a feature I'd sure like Microsoft to enhance, but anchors always
attach to the beginning of the paragraph. If the paragraph and image don't
fit on a page, it will jump to the next page in order contain the figure.
However, if you anchor the figure to paragraph 3 -- even if it's a blank line
following paragraph 2, you can set the figure into paragraph 2.

There are two ways to do it. If you want the figure to appear at the top
margin on the page, set the anchor in paragraph 3 (you should lock it to that
paragraph). Just make sure the "locked" box under advanced layout is checked.

Then on the same window as the "locked" box, go to the "Vertical" options,
and select "Alignment" and in the drop down boxes select "Top" and "Margin."
Then set your horizontal alignment (left, right, center, absolute, etc).

The second option is instead of selecting "alignment," you can select
"absolute position" below "paragraph" and set the distance with a negative
number to the right area.

From the description in your question, I'd recommend going with "Top"
"Margin" so that the image doesn't move if paragraph 2 is expanded or
paragraph 3 drops lower on page 2.

Hope this helps. Maybe one of the MVPs has an easier fix.

Rob van der Heijden said:
Dear all,

I have placed a figure with its caption in a frame and aligned it to the top
of page 2. Paragraph 1 before the figure ends some lines above the bottom
margin of page 1. I would like paragraph 2 to start on page 1 immediately
after paragraph 1 and have the text flow around the figure. For some reason,
this appears to be not possible and paragraph 2 consistently starts on page 2
after the figure.

I have the impression that it has something to do with the fact that the
figure is locked to paragraph 2. If I insert figure 1 in paragraph 1 and
place it at the bottom of page 1, the text of paragraph 1 flows nicely around
it. This is not what I want however, because then the figure appears before
referred to in the text.

Any suggestions?

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