Lock position of text box but allow editing its content



Hello, this is my first time using this forum.

I've read several posts on locking text boxes, but my question is unique. I
want to lock the position of the text box (so I don't accidentally move it
later), but I still want to be able to type in it. The box is along the RHS
of my page, and I'd prefer not to Protect the document.

Is there any way to do this? Perhaps I could scrap the text box and use a
separate column? But the text in the new column is separate from the body, so
it can't be like an ordinary 2-column page.

Any help is greatly appreciated...

Terry Farrell

Unfortunately no. Both Text boxes and Frames are anchored to a paragraph. As
long as that paragraph stays on that page, the Text Box or Frame can be
positioned exactly wrt the page. However, if you edit the page text
sufficiently so that the anchor paragraph moves to the page before or after,
the Text Box will follow it (although it stays in the same relative position
wrt the page.

Are you trying to add side notes or something?


Yes I am trying to add comments (not the built-in comments function in Word -
my own commentary on the text). The requirement is actually not necessarily a
text box. I just need to be able to make comments to the right of the body,
and I need them to be aligned.

Picture it like a strip of commentary going down the RHS of a 20 page
document. If it were 1 page, I would just make a 2-column layout, with the
thinner column to the right for comments (which would also allow me to align
the comments). However, with a multi-page doc, columns would not work in this
way, unless the continuity of the LEFT column is independent of that of the
RIGHT column - make sense?

If there is any way at all, perhaps using Fields or Quick Parts or Forms or
anything more advanced, please advise. I'd prefer not to have to code, but if
that's the only way, please let me know.

Terry Farrell

I suggest that you insert a Text Box using one of the centre paragraphs
which are less likely to scroll below or above the page. Size the Text Box
(presumably tall and narrow so that it fits into the margin and not over the
text and then use Format, text box, Layout tab, Advanced button and set its
position Absolute wrt to the page. Change or remove the borders as required.
Also edit the font size, colour, etc at this point. Then save the text box
as a Building Block (AutoText) item using the keyboard shortcut Alt+F3
assigning it a logical name. Make sure to choose the correct location to
save the item (normal.dot, buildingblock.dot or the template). At least you
can then insert it consistently in the same place on each page as needed
using whichever paragraph looks most convenient as the anchor point.



Thank you for your help - I implemented the Building Block method and it will
definitely save me time for future projects. As for this one, I'm afraid it's
a lost cause! Thanks again, Terry.

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