Hi, I want a macro that if I try to activate cell or try to select
any cell in Range("C1
then cell "A1" should be selected or get activate. Basically I am
trying to lock the Range("C1
10") that
if I or someone else select any cell in Range above then cell "A1"
should get selected
like this nothing can be edit in Range above. I hope I explained what
I am trying to
say. Please if anybody can give me help in this.
any cell in Range("C1
then cell "A1" should be selected or get activate. Basically I am
trying to lock the Range("C1
if I or someone else select any cell in Range above then cell "A1"
should get selected
like this nothing can be edit in Range above. I hope I explained what
I am trying to
say. Please if anybody can give me help in this.