Lock Up



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: intel

My Mac Book Pro locks up any time I'm running a program from Office 2008. I have downloaded the latest update from MS but it does not seem to fix this problem. Any ideas?

Daiya Mitchell

You'll need to give more detail. Really, this happens on Word *and*
Excel *and* PowerPoint *and* Entourage? Specify. At what point does it
lock up--launch, save, quit, copy, paste, or what? Is the problem
*really* exactly the same for all four applications?

Does "lock up" mean crash and tell you it crashed? Does it mean it
freezes and you have to Force Quit? Does it mean it locks up your
entire computer? or what? Can't help without getting a true picture, and
no one can see your screen from here.

What have you updated OS 10.4 to?

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