Locked Graphs with 'Fluid' X-axis length



Right, I shall try and descibe this right.

Trying to setup a 'template' for people monthly reports, where data for many
differnt areas is graphed so Managers/Reviewers with little time can just
use the graphs for a indication. The 'Y' value (and sometime 'Z') can be
anything, but the 'X' is something specific.

X in this case is the months, from "Project/Contract Award" (min value,
MMM/yy format) to the "Revised Completion" (max, MMM-yy). now as different
projects have different durations, how can you specify a fluid range on the

I can get the number of columns with data with a nice little
"Cols=COUNTIF(D1:AL1,">30000")" where D1:AL1 is a guess of '35' months that
most projects are finished within. Dates are filled into this range by
"=IF(D1="N/A","N/A",IF(EOMONTH(D1,1)<DateRevised,EOMONTH(D1,1),"N/A"))". So
the number is fine (as far as I can see)

The problem comes to the selection of the X axis, currently hard-coded to a
range ($D$1T$1), whereas what I really need (so no graph needs to be
'extended') is something like ($D$1:extend(Cols,1)) or something.

This would mean that if the contract duration is changed, the graphs will
automatically take the change. (Total of 50 throughout the file). The graphs
are locked so the 'users' can only input data for the month.


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