Locked record


Reggie Laffond

I have a multiuser split database in Access 97 for a helpdesk application.
Many helpdesk personnel are working in the database simultaneously. They are
constantly creating new and editing old records. The main table is keyed by
an autonumber field (ticket number). When a user clicks the "Add" button the
form is positioned on a new record with all fields empty. Once the user puts
data in any field, the autonumber fields is valued with then next ticket
number. The record is saved once the user navigates to another record.

Sometimes (I'm not sure if it always occurs) when user2 has a new record in
progress (not saved yet) then user2 is unable to create a new record. He can
click the "Add" button and is positioned on a new record but when he values
any field he gets the message

"Could not update: Currently locked by 'user1' on machine '12345'".

Once user1 completes the save everything is OK.

I'm thinking it has something to do with the autonumber field trying to use
the same number on the second record.

Thanks in advance!

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