Locking a field in an absolute position


Robert Robinson

I have a single line that I am using as a total line:

Please pay this amount ---> $xxx.xx

This total is the sum of several lines which come from a different source. I
have two issues:

Vertically, the total line moves up or down depending on the number of lines
that come from the other source. I would like to anchor this total lines at a
spot 2/3 down the page.

Horizontally, the "Please pay" text and the dollar amount move side to side
depending on the number of digits in the total. In this case, I would like to
anchor the text and dollar amounts at the same spots on the page.

Is there a way to anchor horizontally and vertically on a page with data of
varying sizes?

Robert Robinson

If I do use a table, how can I keep the total line in the same place if the
number of lines and amounts vary?

Terry Farrell

If you choose Table Properties, set its wrapping the 'Around' which then
lets you set its vertical position exactly wrt the bottom of the page.


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