Locking a page?



Word 2007. I am creating a multi-page Parish profile where I will be adding
content to some pages but not to others. is there a way of locking pages so
that those pages that are finalised are not affected by the addition of text
in pages above? I.e. when I add text to a page above, the text wraps to fit
the page and does not cause the text on the page below to move down, thus
necessitating the deletion of blank lines in order to bring the text back to
the top of the page?

Thanks in advance!

Stefan Blom

You can format each paragraph that should always start on a new page
with "Page break before" formatting:

1. Place the insertion point in the paragraph.
2. On the Page Layout tab, click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher,
and then click the Line and Page Breaks tab.
3. Select the "Page break before" check box.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


Stefan Blom said:
You can format each paragraph that should always start on a new page
with "Page break before" formatting:

1. Place the insertion point in the paragraph.
2. On the Page Layout tab, click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher,
and then click the Line and Page Breaks tab.
3. Select the "Page break before" check box.

Thanks for that info - unfortunately what that seems to do is to insert a
whole blank page between the text I'm entering in the page above, and the
paragraph that I have formatted to your instructions....

Stefan Blom

To fix this, delete any blank paragraphs (¶) before the paragraph that
is set to "Page break before." Also, make sure that you didn't
inadvertently format multiple successive paragraphs with "Page break
before," which would create the same problem. The task will be easier if
you display nonprinting marks, which can be done by pressing
Ctrl+Shift+8 (acts as a toggle).

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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