Evil Red Smurf
I'm trying to lock cells in a column on an excel spreadsheet depending on
the (date) value in another cell on the same row. For example, I'm thinking
of it like this:
If range("C9").value > today()
Then range("G9").lock = false
Else range("G9").lock = true
End if
However I want to do it for all rows between 9 and 400 whenever the sheet is
accessed. Can anyone help?
Many thanks,
I'm trying to lock cells in a column on an excel spreadsheet depending on
the (date) value in another cell on the same row. For example, I'm thinking
of it like this:
If range("C9").value > today()
Then range("G9").lock = false
Else range("G9").lock = true
End if
However I want to do it for all rows between 9 and 400 whenever the sheet is
accessed. Can anyone help?
Many thanks,