Locking cells



THis might be a pretty simple question. But how do you lock a formul
in a cell without protecting sheet? I am having trouble with this.
change the cell format and the sheet to protected but this just lock
everything. ANy help would be great.


Harald Staff

Hi Chip

You can't. What you must do before protecting the sheet is to unlock the
ranges where entries are allowed.

HTH. Best wishes Harald
Followup to newsgroup only please

chipgreenfield said:
THis might be a pretty simple question. But how do you lock a formula
in a cell without protecting sheet? I am having trouble with this. I
change the cell format and the sheet to protected but this just locks
everything. ANy help would be great.

creating financial statements


Thanks Harald. ANother quick question about locked cells.

How do you keep cells within filtered data locked without locking th
actual filter? I have the cells I want locked but this also locks th
filter even though the filter is formatted as unlocked. Thanks agai
in advance.



chipgreenfield said:
Thanks Harald. ANother quick question about locked cells.

How do you keep cells within filtered data locked without locking the
actual filter? I have the cells I want locked but this also locks the
filter even though the filter is formatted as unlocked. Thanks again
in advance.


If I understand your question correctly, Question 3 on the following page
answers your question.

R. Todd Miller

Don't know if this helps but you can 'kinda lock' a cell without
protecting the sheet by using Data-Validation-Custom and put two
double quotes "" in the formula box. The user can't type-over your
formula BUT they could delete it.

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