Locking combo box

  • Thread starter gmazza via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

gmazza via AccessMonster.com

Is there anyway to not alloow the user to enter anything into a combo box,
whether it be a key stroke or mouse click, yet they can pick from the combo
box by clicking the combo box button and choosing a value there?



However, you can set the Limit To List property to Yes, so if they do try to
anything that is not a pre-existing value they will get an error message and
the invalid value will not be accepted.


Sean Bailey

gmazza via AccessMonster.com

I got it to work somehow by Locking it down on Key_Press event and unlocking

Dirk Goldgar

gmazza via AccessMonster.com said:
Is there anyway to not alloow the user to enter anything into a combo box,
whether it be a key stroke or mouse click, yet they can pick from the
box by clicking the combo box button and choosing a value there?

You can suppress keystrokes easily, using the KeyDown event, but it'll be
harder to clearly distinguish mouse-clicks that are part of dropping down
the list and making a selection from it. You might set the combo box's Tab
Stop property to No and put a transparent command button over it, and have
that command button's click event set the focus to the combo and drop it
down, I suppose. Or you might use your own combination of a text box, a
list box, and a command button, with the list box kept hidden until the user
clicks on the command button.

What exactly are you trying to achieve, and why do you want to use a combo
box while disabling so much of its functionality?

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