Locking Edits


Miss George

Hi people,

I need to share a notebook on OneNote, but keep it locked for editing, so
people can sync any changes I make, but not make any changes themselves. I
have tried changing the files to read only files, but they don't seem to sync
properly to other computers once I've changed them. The files are also stored
on a shared sever if that makes a difference (I'm not too worried about
people changing anything directly on the server, it's more editing in OneNote
I'm worried about.)

Rainald Taesler

Miss George wrote:
I need to share a notebook on OneNote, but keep it locked for
editing, so people can sync any changes I make, but not make any
changes themselves.

Sorry to say so, but that's just not possible.
I have tried changing the files to read only
files, but they don't seem to sync properly to other computers once
I've changed them.

Yes, that's how the basic concept of ON works.
The files are also stored on a shared sever if
that makes a difference (I'm not too worried about people changing
anything directly on the server, it's more editing in OneNote I'm
worried about.)

No way except limiting the access to the files on the server.


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