locking files



Hi When you create an email on outlook 2000 and save it to a folder, then
you open that email and then close it again and then open it again, there is
an error message saying can't open file, don't have permissions or may be in
use by another program etc...
bascially it is not unlocking the file everytime you close it, unless you
reboot your pc.
Can anybody help at all please



sugamabaloo said:
Hi When you create an email on outlook 2000 and save it to a folder,
you open that email and then close it again and then open it again,
there is
an error message saying can't open file, don't have permissions or may
be in
use by another program etc...
bascially it is not unlocking the file everytime you close it, unless
reboot your pc.
Can anybody help at all please


Are you also closing (or think you are closing) Outlook between each
reopen of the same item? Could be the old problem of outlook.exe not
completely unloading from memory when you exit from it (winword.exe has
the same problem). Use Task Manager to check if the process is still
loaded after you exit Outlook. Some add-ons will keep Outlook loaded,
like the Personal Folders Backup add-on, so it is up to you to figure
out why outlook.exe is still loaded and wheter or not it is just hung on
exit and will have to End Task it.

Is the .pst file over on a network drive or on your local hard drive?
PST files are *not* designed to be on a networked drive. They need to
be on the same host as where Outlook is running.


Thanks for the reply, i understand what your saying basically i can open that
email hundreds of times when outlook is closed, but when i open outlook i can
only open it once and the when i try and open it a second time it comes with
that error.
I also understand that it does not get rid of the process when it closes and
we have a hotfix for this.

Do you have any ideas on how i can get around this with outlook being open.


sugamabaloo said:
Thanks for the reply, i understand what your saying basically i can
open that
email hundreds of times when outlook is closed, but when i open
outlook i can
only open it once and the when i try and open it a second time it
comes with
that error.
I also understand that it does not get rid of the process when it
closes and
we have a hotfix for this.

Do you have any ideas on how i can get around this with outlook being

Is the PST file on your local hard drive (i.e., on a drive in the same
host as where Outlook is running)? Or is it on a networked drive (which
is NOT recommended)?


We have a local copy of our pst file, but our mailbox's are stored on our
mail server, and outlook is deployed through group policy on a different


sugamabaloo said:
We have a local copy of our pst file, but our mailbox's are stored on
mail server, and outlook is deployed through group policy on a

Are you opening the e-mail in Word? Or are you just [pre]viewing it
using Outlook alone? I'm not sure what you mean by "opening" the
e-mail. Are you just clicking around between the different mails in the
headers list pane and looking at the e-mails in the Preview pane? Are
you double-clicking on them to open in a separate window (but which is
still an Outlook child window)? Or are you opening them by using Word?


Basically, for example if i create an email and save it to a folder in
explorer, then i open that email using outlook as the native application it
opens in a seperate window fine, as soon as i close it and open it up again
it comes back with that errro message.
I'm not using word at all.

Vanguard said:
sugamabaloo said:
We have a local copy of our pst file, but our mailbox's are stored on
mail server, and outlook is deployed through group policy on a

Are you opening the e-mail in Word? Or are you just [pre]viewing it
using Outlook alone? I'm not sure what you mean by "opening" the
e-mail. Are you just clicking around between the different mails in the
headers list pane and looking at the e-mails in the Preview pane? Are
you double-clicking on them to open in a separate window (but which is
still an Outlook child window)? Or are you opening them by using Word?


sugamabaloo said:
Basically, for example if i create an email and save it to a folder in
explorer, then i open that email using outlook as the native
application it
opens in a seperate window fine, as soon as i close it and open it up
it comes back with that errro message.
I'm not using word at all.

You are saving the mail to a file outside of the PST file used by
Outlook. Then you double-click on the .msg file and using the file
association for that filetype to start ANOTHER instance of Outlook.
Outlook takes times to close so you are probably opening the .msg file
too soon. Outlook doesn't run well when there are multiple instances of
it getting loaded into memory because each will be trying to access the
same message store (PST file). Outlook wants write permission on its
message store but only one process can write to a file at once. I don't
know why you would bother saving the .msg file since it outside and
separate of Outlook and requires Outlook to load up anyway so you might
have as well as left the mail in your message store's folders. It's no
wonder that the file is locked because you are forcing Outlook to load
up all over again just to open a .msg file, completely exit, and then
completely load up again by rapidly double-clicking on the .msg file.
That's not how Outlook was designed to be used. If you are saving a
mail outside of Outlook as a .msg file, it is to provide an archival
copy or because of some weird policy of saving mails outside of your
message store file.

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