locking objects on a page



how can i lock the position of an object on a page. i frequently paste things
from other apps. often i'll group several things together in a certain order.
if i paste something else nearby OneNote will rearrange all the things i
already pasted forcing me to put them back like i had them.
if locking is not possible how can i group objects together so i can move
all of them as a single object thus preserving their arrangment with each

Rainald Taesler

stan said:
how can i lock the position of an object on a page. i frequently
paste things from other apps. often i'll group several things
together in a certain order. if i paste something else nearby OneNote
will rearrange all the things i already pasted forcing me to put them
back like i had them.

There is no feature for locking objects.
if locking is not possible how can i group objects together so i can
move all of them as a single object thus preserving their arrangment
with each other.

One can group objects *temporarily" using the "Lasso".
The tool is available
a) In the "Pen Tools" toolbar,
b) under "Extras | Pen Tools"
Caveat:"Pen Tools" is *my* translation, my system speaks German.

One can not group objects *permanently*.
This most often asked for feature is missing in ON2010 too. {siiiiiigh}


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