Log file...



Hey all, I have an excel spreadsheet that adds info to a word template
and also creates entries into a log file, I was just wondering i
somehow this could be formatted a little better than it is now...

Dim Fnum As Integer
Fnum = FreeFile
Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Templates\log.txt" For Append As #Fnum
Print #Fnum, Fname$, Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yyy hh:mm")
Close #Fnum

creates my log, but would it be possible to get it all nice and pretty
This is the output at the moment...

20879_AMEC_LOA 07-Jun-06158 15:12 LGWMattockC
20825_CCTV Strategic_LOA 08-Jun-06159 11:47
21875 CT LOA 08-Jun-06159 14:00 LGWHolden

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