I'd like my db to prompt the user for his username and password. Table
structure as follows:
- autUserID (Autonumber and Pri Key)
- txtName
- txtUserName
- txtPassword
I have a unbound form with the following:
- txtUserName (Unbound text box)
- txtPassword (Unbound text box)
- cmdOK (Button opening frmMainMenu where all other buttons are located
So what i want to do is for my db to check if the username and password are
correct and then if it is to carry on opening the frmMainMenu but if it isnt
then it prompts u.
How do i do this?
I'd like my db to prompt the user for his username and password. Table
structure as follows:
- autUserID (Autonumber and Pri Key)
- txtName
- txtUserName
- txtPassword
I have a unbound form with the following:
- txtUserName (Unbound text box)
- txtPassword (Unbound text box)
- cmdOK (Button opening frmMainMenu where all other buttons are located
So what i want to do is for my db to check if the username and password are
correct and then if it is to carry on opening the frmMainMenu but if it isnt
then it prompts u.
How do i do this?