Log result "Fatal Error During Installation" problem - help anyone



This is from the file:

C:\Documents and Settings\mjmattson\Local Settings\Temp\Microsoft Office
OneNote 2003 Setup(0014).txt

Using Office Source Engine at path: C:\Program Files\Tools &
Applications\Microsoft\OneNote Trial\OneNote\FILES\SETUP\OSE.EXE
Error 0x80070714
Failed to get version of Office Source Engine in image directory (C:\Program
Files\Tools & Applications\Microsoft\OneNote
Error 0x80070714
failed to initialize Office Source Engine
LocalCache has failed. EnforceCache has been set. Exiting...
Shutting down chained setup processing.

***** Setup exits
4/9/2006 1:41:40 PM
(return = 0)

Does anyone know what this means? This is REALLY frustrating. I tried the
trial 1 YEAR ago and this still has not been fixed????

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