Logging data to worksheet



I am trying to save data for a bowling records on team members from a Master
Input (recap ) Sheet.

I wish to use the same Input lines say (L6:N6) over and over and have the
data transferred to the correct sheet. I would also provide a index number
and sheet name(record Number)

The record sheet needs to log and keep the data from week to week (36 weeks)

If you wish I can send a copy of my input sheet and a record sheet

Thankyou for any help


The left side of the RECAP Sheet looks like this, There is a right side not

A B C D E - - - - J K L M
3 Week 1 4 Team 1
Lane 1
5 Ent AVE # PLAYERS HDCP Game1 Game2 Game3 Game4 TOTAL
6 192 1 123 133 123
7 201 2 132 133 132
8 211 3 133 136 133
9 145 4 145 145
156 10 178 5 201 175

The week number at D3 would select the proper line on all records to log
data .
Move data from L6:N10 to the proper Record based upon the math below.
Move the team data from the Hdcp at K15 and totals from L16:N16 to Team Sheet

Record # 10 equals D4 X 10 10 which is actualy Team 1Player 0
Record # 11 equals D4 & D6 11 which is actualy Team 1 Player 1
" 12 " 12
" 13 " 13
" 14 " 14
" 15 " 15
Record # 10 equals T4 X 10 20 which is actualy Team 2 Player 0
Record # 21 equals T4 & T6 21 which is actualy Team 2 Player 1
game data for right sige of recap sheet is at AB6:AC10

Team Data for Week 1, would be loged at F14:G14 TOTALS and HDCP data at
N14. Player data for Week 1, would be loged at F14:G14 Game data

The input Recap Sheet is designed to be used over and over for all teams
and reused for next weeks info.

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