would like to have a main-form with a sub-form made up
of a Tab-Form with seven selections:
Each tab when selected would add a Dept_Code to the
Dep_Table_Code (text like "Accting") then bring up a sub-
form of only the records for that Dept_Code for input.
Then save the records and allow the next tab selection,
what ever it might be (in any order)
How do I setup the tabs to focus on that Dept_Code ?
How do I fill the Dept_Table_Code Dept_Code field with the
Tab selection?
Hope this makes sense?
of a Tab-Form with seven selections:
Each tab when selected would add a Dept_Code to the
Dep_Table_Code (text like "Accting") then bring up a sub-
form of only the records for that Dept_Code for input.
Then save the records and allow the next tab selection,
what ever it might be (in any order)
How do I setup the tabs to focus on that Dept_Code ?
How do I fill the Dept_Table_Code Dept_Code field with the
Tab selection?
Hope this makes sense?