Login Failed Error: Frontpage 2000 to SQL Server 2000


Kristen Wagner


I am reconstructing a web site for a remote customer and have a login
problem with an FP database results page.

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user

FP verifies the database connection when I look at the Web Settings for this
page. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and password to
SQL Server, which is configured for Integrated Authentication. The
"messenger" login is a SQL Server login. I can connect to the database
server directly, using Enterprise Manager, with the same username and
password that fails over ASP.

What else should I be looking for? Does ASP.NET need to have login rights to
SQL Server?

Kristen Wagner

Kevin Spencer

page. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and password to
SQL Server, which is configured for Integrated Authentication. The
"messenger" login is a SQL Server login.

Windows Integrated Authentication uses a Windows account to connect to the
server. If the login is a SQL Server login, that's your problem.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Kristen Wagner said:

I am reconstructing a web site for a remote customer and have a login
problem with an FP database results page.

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user

FP verifies the database connection when I look at the Web Settings for this
page. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and password to
SQL Server, which is configured for Integrated Authentication. The
"messenger" login is a SQL Server login. I can connect to the database
server directly, using Enterprise Manager, with the same username and
password that fails over ASP.

What else should I be looking for? Does ASP.NET need to have login rights to
SQL Server?

Kristen Wagner

Kristen Wagner


Sorry--my mistake: the Server is configured to use Mixed Authentication--SQL
Server and Windows. The "messenger" login is a standard SQL Server login.

Kristen Wagner

Kevin Spencer said:
page. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and password to
SQL Server, which is configured for Integrated Authentication. The
"messenger" login is a SQL Server login.

Windows Integrated Authentication uses a Windows account to connect to the
server. If the login is a SQL Server login, that's your problem.

Kevin Spencer
.Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Kristen Wagner said:

I am reconstructing a web site for a remote customer and have a login
problem with an FP database results page.

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user

FP verifies the database connection when I look at the Web Settings for this
page. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and password to
SQL Server, which is configured for Integrated Authentication. The
"messenger" login is a SQL Server login. I can connect to the database
server directly, using Enterprise Manager, with the same username and
password that fails over ASP.

What else should I be looking for? Does ASP.NET need to have login
SQL Server?

Kristen Wagner

Kevin Spencer

Check your Connection String. It may be specifiying which authentication
method to use.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Kristen Wagner said:

Sorry--my mistake: the Server is configured to use Mixed Authentication--SQL
Server and Windows. The "messenger" login is a standard SQL Server login.

Kristen Wagner

Kevin Spencer said:
page. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and password to
SQL Server, which is configured for Integrated Authentication. The
"messenger" login is a SQL Server login.

Windows Integrated Authentication uses a Windows account to connect to the
server. If the login is a SQL Server login, that's your problem.

Kevin Spencer
.Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Kristen Wagner said:

I am reconstructing a web site for a remote customer and have a login
problem with an FP database results page.

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user

FP verifies the database connection when I look at the Web Settings
page. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and password to
SQL Server, which is configured for Integrated Authentication. The
"messenger" login is a SQL Server login. I can connect to the database
server directly, using Enterprise Manager, with the same username and
password that fails over ASP.

What else should I be looking for? Does ASP.NET need to have login
SQL Server?

Kristen Wagner

Kristen Wagner

The connection string just lists the System DSN, the Driver, the UID, and

Kevin Spencer said:
Check your Connection String. It may be specifiying which authentication
method to use.

Kevin Spencer
.Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Kristen Wagner said:

Sorry--my mistake: the Server is configured to use Mixed Authentication--SQL
Server and Windows. The "messenger" login is a standard SQL Server login.

Kristen Wagner

Kevin Spencer said:
page. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and
SQL Server, which is configured for Integrated Authentication. The
"messenger" login is a SQL Server login.

Windows Integrated Authentication uses a Windows account to connect to the
server. If the login is a SQL Server login, that's your problem.

Kevin Spencer
.Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.


I am reconstructing a web site for a remote customer and have a login
problem with an FP database results page.

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user

FP verifies the database connection when I look at the Web Settings for
page. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and
SQL Server, which is configured for Integrated Authentication. The
"messenger" login is a SQL Server login. I can connect to the database
server directly, using Enterprise Manager, with the same username and
password that fails over ASP.

What else should I be looking for? Does ASP.NET need to have login rights
SQL Server?

Kristen Wagner

Kristen Wagner


I posted this last week but was unable to resolve the problem.

I am reconstructing a web site for a remote customer and have a login
failure with an FP2000 database results page. This page contains a database
results section generated by Frontpage. The connection is also generated by
FP via the Web Settings option--there is no other connection string.

When I look at the Web Settings for this page, FP verifies the database
connection. In other words, when I test the connection from the FrontPage
file, the connection is verified. The data results section of the page
connects as well when I browse through those settings, and the connection
test works. The global.asa file is passing the correct username and password
to SQL Server, which is configured for Mixed Authentication. The login is a
SQL Server login. I can also connect directly to the SQL database in
question, using Enterprise Manager, with the same username and password that
fails over ASP.

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user

The SQL Server log for these connections says "Login failed for user

What am I overlooking?

Thanks again,
Kristen Wagner

Kristen Wagner

Let me add one more piece of information:

The web server and SQL server for the data results page are running on the
same box. I can save the data results page to my own computer, with the same
web settings, and the page will load correctly on my web server, connecting
successfully to the database server. When I view the SQL Server log, my
successful attempt says "Login succeeded for user "messenger." Connection:

No doubt I am overlooking something obvious here. What is it?


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