Login Userform



On a userform being used as a LogOn, I have two textboxes...txt1 & txt2. and
Commandbutton1 = Login Commandbutton2 = Quit.
The end user will use txt1 as a UserName entrance & txt2 as a PassWord
entrance. The enduser will use Commandbutton1 to Login once username and
password is correct. they will use Commandbutton2 to Quit the Workbook and it
should not give the user the option to Save before exiting at this point.

what code do i use to make this work?
so when the user types in the correct username and password - this data is
store in sheet4 - (column A = Username, column B = Password) it will open the

if username or password is incorrect a message will appear saying "Please
check the username or password is correct"

Also the cross ( X ) button on the TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER of the userform
should be disabled - so it stops the user from clicking the X to enter.

Maximum users is 5

Can someone help with code and instruction where i need to input the codes?


If you are new to VBA programing you may want to pick up a book or to on how
to program in Excel using VBA. I don't really think this forum is really for
teaching users from step 1. You need to become a little familiar with user
forms and their event procedures and in some cases especially the sequence of
the operation.

In any case, I have listed some code for you use. I want to caution you on
two things. Even with this code in place, a somewhat savy user will be able
to gain access to the workbook without being one of the authorized users.

Also, please excersize caution when placing this code in you workbook. I
strongly suggest that you make a sample or test workbook to play around with
and keep the original workbook untouched until you are thoroughly satisfied
that the code works the way you want it t. Then you can export the code
modules and user modules from the test book and then import them into the
original workbook.

Create a new workbook with a minimum of 4 worksheets. One of them MUST be
named "Sheet4".
In Sheet 4, leave cell A1 & B1 blank for now. We'll use your ID later here.
Starting in cell A2 type in the names of the other users ( A2, A3, A4 & A5 )
along with their passwords in B2, B3, B4 & B5.

Switch to code view (Alt. F11)

Place the following code in a standard module:
Option Explicit

Sub Auto_Open()


End Sub
Sub Auto_Close()
With ActiveWorkbook
.Sheets("Sheet4").Visible = False
.Protect "XXX", True, True
End With
End Sub
Public Sub CloseWorkbook()
Call Auto_Close
End Sub

Create a new userform and add the following controls:

Add (2) labels and change their captions to "UserID" and "Password".
Add (2) text boxes. Change their names to "txt1" and "txt2".
Add (2) command buttons. Change their captions to "Login" & "Cancel".
Change to caption of the UserForm to "Login".

Now open the code window for the user form and insert the following code:

Option Explicit
Dim Users(4, 1) As String
Dim LoginValid As Boolean

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim X As Integer
Dim iCounter As Integer

If iCounter > 2 Then GoTo SubExit
For X = 0 To UBound(Users, 1)
If txt1.Text = Users(X, 0) And txt2.Text = Users(X, 1) Then
LoginValid = True
GoTo SubExit
End If
Next X
iCounter = iCounter + 1
If MsgBox("Try Again?", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Login Failed") = vbYes Then
GoTo Start
End If

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim X As Integer
' Read UserNames & ID's
' Save in Array
For X = 0 To 4
Users(X, 0) = Sheets("Sheet4").Cells(X + 1, 1)
Users(X, 1) = Sheets("Sheet4").Cells(X + 1, 2)
Next X
LoginValid = False
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
If LoginValid = False Then
Call CloseWorkbook
ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect "XXX"
End If

End Sub


Save the workbook, close the workbook and re-open it. Leave both the User
ID and the Password blank, click OK and you should see the workbook.

Note that in the code, I set the password to protect the workbook as XXX,
and also unprotect the workbook in code. The Auto_Open subroutine runs
automatically, each time the workbook is opened, starting the login dialog.
The auto_clos subroutine automatically sets the password to XXX, saves to
workbook and then closes the workbook. If the login fails, the workbook will

After you done playing with the code and understand how it works, you can
start experimenting with some alterations to customize it for you specific
needs. Also, don't forget to add your Username & Password after you have
played around with it for a while.

Good Luck & have fun.

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