From his/her posting in another Access forum, an image isn't desired. I
suggested he create a new blank report with a 1" tall report header. Then
open the On Print event of this section and enter this code:
Private Sub ReportHeader_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Dim intI As Integer
Dim intBlockWidth As Integer
Dim strToPrint As String
strToPrint = ":: SAMOTEK ::"
Me.CurrentX = 100
Me.CurrentY = 200
Me.FontName = "Arial"
Me.FontSize = 30
Me.FontBold = True
Me.ForeColor = vbWhite
Me.Print strToPrint
Me.DrawWidth = 6
intBlockWidth = Me.CurrentX + 200
For intI = 76 To 256
Me.Line (0, (intI - 76) * 2)-Step(intBlockWidth, 0), RGB(intI, intI,
For intI = 76 To 256
Me.Line (0, (intI - 76) * 2 + 720)-Step(intBlockWidth, 0), RGB(332 -
intI, 332 - intI, 332 - intI)
Me.Line (0, 0)-(intBlockWidth, 1090), vbBlack, B
Me.CurrentX = 100
Me.CurrentY = 200
Me.FontName = "Arial"
Me.FontSize = 30
Me.FontBold = True
Me.Print strToPrint
End Sub