Logo with Copy Right Symbol



I am using Word 2000
I have our Company logo (ITI) in jpg format.
Now I want to add the trademark symbol ("R" inside of a circle) to the logo.
How do I do this? Which MS program do I use? Can someone point me in the
right direction, please?


Charles Kenyon

You'll need a paint or drawing program to edit the jpg. There are lots of
these programs out there. Within Word you can put the symbol next to or on
top of the image but you can't make it a part of the image.

If you type (r) in Word it will autocorrect to the symbol you want. Othewise
it is under the symbols menu.
Charles Kenyon

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Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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The poor man's solution. If your logo has enough white space to place the
trademark symbol, try this. Open the logo in Paint(!), insert a text box in
the white space, copy the trademark symbol from the character map (Start >
Programs > Accessories > System Tools) and paste it into the text box.
Adjust the text box as needed, then save the logo under a new name.

Idaho Word Man

A better solution than Paint is to open the logo JPEG in PowerPoint. Then
insert a text box and type (r) in the text box. It should automatically
correct to the registered trademark symbol. Adjust the size and font as you
prefer and then arrange the text box over the logo Select All (Ctrl - A) and
then from the Drawing toolbar, select Draw and then Group. Save the modified
logo with a new name and insert it into your documents.

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I forgot about that possibility. Only problem is that when saving from
PowerPoint to a JPG or other graphic format, the graphic includes the whole
page. So the resulting pasted image is very large, you'll need to crop it.
But I like that the trademark background can be set to None (i.e.,

Charles Kenyon

One warning, cropping or editing an image in Word will not reduce file size.
Usually it expands it, sometimes dramatically.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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Idaho Word Man

Oh, yeah. I forgot that saving as a JPG saved the whole slide. I usually
just save the presentation as a Powerpoint file, and then select the grouped
graphic, move to Word, and select "Paste Special." Then I select "Picture
(Windows Metafile)" as the paste type. I get quality as good as inserting a
JPG from a file, but the finished file size is mucho smaller. It might not
be the best solution, but it works.


An additional few steps might provide the best solution. Once you have
grouped your logo and trademark symbol, copy and paste into Paint, make any
adjustments to the canvas size, then save as a new file. I just tested this
with a file and the results were quite satisfactory--the original graphics
file and the new file were almost identical in size, and the two images when
printed are indistinguishable.

The advantage here is that you can save the new graphics file with your
other clipart/pictures and insert it via Insert > Picture, rather than having
to open PowerPoint, find and open the file, then Copy and Paste.

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