Logon Error



I'm trying to debug an issue and can't seem to find much documentation
The problem: Using a Crystal Reports Viewer in VB6. I'm running reports
against an ms access db through crystal reports 9.

After running around 100 reports. I get the following error

The Following Error has Occured (-2147189176) - Logon Failed
Details: DAO Error Code: 0xbed
Source: DAO.DbEngine
Description: Too many client tasks.

I can't seem to find anything on 0xbed
Other then (-2147189176) being a logon error I can't find any documentation.

End result, it's crapping out... but I can't figure out why...

Any help?


Tom Wickerath

Try this KB article....not sure if it will help you though.




I'm trying to debug an issue and can't seem to find much documentation
The problem: Using a Crystal Reports Viewer in VB6. I'm running reports
against an ms access db through crystal reports 9.

After running around 100 reports. I get the following error

The Following Error has Occured (-2147189176) - Logon Failed
Details: DAO Error Code: 0xbed
Source: DAO.DbEngine
Description: Too many client tasks.

I can't seem to find anything on 0xbed
Other then (-2147189176) being a logon error I can't find any documentation.

End result, it's crapping out... but I can't figure out why...

Any help?


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