LogOn Name not case sensitive



In my Access 2002 secured database, why is the LogOn Name
not case sensitive? However, the password is.

For instance, I have set up a user named "Homer Simpson"
in my secured database. If Homer Simpson logs in with his
name spelled "HoMER simPSoN" he is able to log in. Why is
Access letting the user log in?

Rick B

Because the User is not case-sensative in Access. :)

In my Access 2002 secured database, why is the LogOn Name
not case sensitive? However, the password is.

For instance, I have set up a user named "Homer Simpson"
in my secured database. If Homer Simpson logs in with his
name spelled "HoMER simPSoN" he is able to log in. Why is
Access letting the user log in?

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