Logon session no longer valid



I go to update something, and I get:

Your request could not be processed.
Your logon session is no longer valid.
You need to log on again.

Possible Reasons:

· Your session with the server may have expired because of

· You may have had multiple instances of Project Web Access open and
may have closed or logged off one or more instances.

· The Project Server administrator may have changed your account
status or the mode of operation of the server.

PWA admin told me "There is a setting in the Virtual Server
configuration that provides for the auto logoff function. It was set to
60 minutes. I have changed the setting to never auto logoff." but
apparently, I'm still getting logged off. When I notified him, he said
to check here ...

Anyone know why? I open the PWA in the AM, and sometimes don't touch
it for hours (to update status, etc.). I don't think I opened another
IE window with PWA and closed it, and I know I've never clicked on
anything (knowingly) that logs me off. Does this "logoff" happen if
you actually open some link in a new window, and close that new window?
How does one prevent the above from occuring?

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