I go to update something, and I get:
Your request could not be processed.
Your logon session is no longer valid.
You need to log on again.
Possible Reasons:
· Your session with the server may have expired because of
· You may have had multiple instances of Project Web Access open and
may have closed or logged off one or more instances.
· The Project Server administrator may have changed your account
status or the mode of operation of the server.
PWA admin told me "There is a setting in the Virtual Server
configuration that provides for the auto logoff function. It was set to
60 minutes. I have changed the setting to never auto logoff." but
apparently, I'm still getting logged off. When I notified him, he said
to check here ...
Anyone know why? I open the PWA in the AM, and sometimes don't touch
it for hours (to update status, etc.). I don't think I opened another
IE window with PWA and closed it, and I know I've never clicked on
anything (knowingly) that logs me off. Does this "logoff" happen if
you actually open some link in a new window, and close that new window?
How does one prevent the above from occuring?
Your request could not be processed.
Your logon session is no longer valid.
You need to log on again.
Possible Reasons:
· Your session with the server may have expired because of
· You may have had multiple instances of Project Web Access open and
may have closed or logged off one or more instances.
· The Project Server administrator may have changed your account
status or the mode of operation of the server.
PWA admin told me "There is a setting in the Virtual Server
configuration that provides for the auto logoff function. It was set to
60 minutes. I have changed the setting to never auto logoff." but
apparently, I'm still getting logged off. When I notified him, he said
to check here ...
Anyone know why? I open the PWA in the AM, and sometimes don't touch
it for hours (to update status, etc.). I don't think I opened another
IE window with PWA and closed it, and I know I've never clicked on
anything (knowingly) that logs me off. Does this "logoff" happen if
you actually open some link in a new window, and close that new window?
How does one prevent the above from occuring?