Logon Using A Different Microsoft User Account (Is SSL Required?)

  • Thread starter Network Auto Discovery - Fluke Networks
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Network Auto Discovery - Fluke Networks


I am using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). Users are able to access
Project Web Access, as long as they want to logon to PWA as the user that is
logged in to the workstation.

However, if the user wants to logon using a Windows account that differs
from the account the workstation is logged in to the network with, a dialog
box appears stating that :

"You are not currently using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This functionality
is only available when the https://protocal is used to connect to the server.
Make sure that your Project Server is set up to use SSL and that you are
connecting to the server using the https://protocol"

The Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 Installation Guide (Page 118) seems
to suggest that SSL is not required but can be used for greated Sucurity. See
Step 2 below.

Allow Users to Log on Using a Different Windows User Account

By default, when Project Server attempts to authenticate a user with Windows
authentication, it assumes that the user is using a computer where he or she
has already logged on to the network using a Windows user account (Integrated
Windows authentication). However, this may not always be the case. For
example, a user may want to check Project Server information from someone
else's computer or by using a common computer that is shared by several
people and where the user has not logged on with his or her Windows user

In this case, when the user goes to a Project Server site, the Logon page
opens instead of the Home page. The user must then click the Log on using a
different Microsoft Windows user account link on the left side of the page.
After entering his or her Windows user account information, the user is
authenticated using Basic authentication and is then taken to the Home page.

However, to enable users to use the Log on using a different Microsoft
Windows user account link on the Logon page, the administrator must perform
the following steps on the Project Server computer:

1. Enable Basic authentication for the Project Server virtual directory and
for the Remote Data Services ISAPI Library (Msadcs.dll) using the Microsoft
Management Console (MMC) snap-in for Internet Information Services (IIS).

2. Set up the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) features of IIS for greater security.


Do I need an SSL Certificate to enable the user to log on using a different
windows user account? Even if the site will not be in the internet?



(e-mail address removed)

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