Long delay closing windows


Rafael Montserrat

OS 10.4.10
Ibook G4
1.5 GB Ram
Entourage 11.3.2


Why is it taking about 15 seconds from the time of clicking the red circle
(upper left corner of a window) to the window closing?

I think other things are taking more time, but I'll have to make a list.
Definitely in Entourage

Thanks, Rafael

Also, the folders on the left...it's taking a long time for them to open,
and a long time (15secs.) to leave one and go to another. For instance, I
had the cursor on Send (which by the way wouldn't open at all), then I
clicked Inbox, and Inbox didn't open for 15 secs.


Also, the folders on the left...it's taking a long time for them to open,
and a long time (15secs.) to leave one and go to another. For instance, I
had the cursor on Send (which by the way wouldn't open at all), then I
clicked Inbox, and Inbox didn't open for 15 secs.

What view do you use? Preview Pane below or on right? What column if you use
Preview Pane below is used to sort list?

If your drive is too full or fragmented or you are having memory problems,
you could see applications slow to a crawl. In the Activity Monitor, select
your hard drive and see what percentage is being used. Click on Disk Usage
tab and select your HD from the popup. How much free space is left? Click on
System Memory tab and see how much memory is being used.

See this FAQ for some other things to check:


You might try rebuilding your database to see if this will help.

Rafael Montserrat

I fixed the "Long delay closing windows" by doing something an isp tech

renews the connection

Turn 5100 modem & computer both shut down.

Wait 20 secs, then turn on modem, let lights stabilize, wait 20 more sec.,
then turn on computer

Also renews the the connection

Rafael Montserrat

I was also told to

Delete Files temp files from internet
Delete offline content

I don't know what this means. How do I do these?

Thanks, Rafael

Rafael Montserrat

I meant to add that that process started by first shutting down the
computer, then shutting down the modem. Wait 20 seconds, then start
modem...modem first important..wait for all lights on modem to activate,
then start computer.


I was also told to

Delete Files temp files from internet
Delete offline content

I don't know what this means. How do I do these?

These are not functions in Entourage. It sounds like you need to use your
web interface to your account.

BTW, are your accounts IMAP or POP?

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