Long delay is seeing ink - OneNote @ SP1



I get a very long delay in seeing what I've written in OneNote. It's got the
latest SP1 update and I've updated the TabletPC OS to the latest SP. I'm
using a Toshiba M205-810. It's not slow! What's the deal?

Erik Sojka

Do you have the latest drivers for your pen? Check Toshiba's website or
possibly Windows Update.

Do you have the same problem with other Ink-aware applications such as
Journal or Inkball?



The delay ONLY happens in OneNote. I tried the MS-Journal and Franklin
Tablet Planner - no problem. The delay is significant. It display 3 - 4
words behind what you have written. In essense, it's like writing in
invisible ink. This makes OneNote more or less unfunctional.

The computer is up to date on drivers, inclusive of Windows SP2 and OneNote

Interestingly, if I launch the Tablet Input Panel - while running OneNote,
the Input Panel does not have the delay. Therefore, I suspect there is a bug
in OneNote.

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