Hope someone can save my sanity...
I created a template containing lots of 'Outlined numbered' styles with
picture bullets. I did it all with VBA, 'cause I read in the
newsgroups all kinds of horror stories about lists and our previous
template was indeed starting to unravel...
Everything seemed to work OK, but then I wanted to modify some of the
styles. Again, I used my VBA procedures to do the update (the same
used to create the styles) and changes appear OK in the template. But
when I reopen the template (after closing Word) some of the picture
bullets are not there! The style's list levels still contains the
PictureBullet object, but it is not displayed.
I copied the code used below. I'm working in Word 2003 SP1 on Windows
XP SP2. The images I use for my picture bullets are .WMF.
Thank you for reading me !
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Option Explicit
Const cTabWidthPTS As Single = 19!
Const cSpcBullParaPTS As Single = 4!
Const cBullPath As String = "C:\My Template\Images\"
Dim vTabLVL(1 To 10) As Single
Sub Set_Document()
If vTabLVL(2) <> cTabWidthPTS Then SetTabLVLs
ActiveDocument.DefaultTabStop = vTabLVL(2)
End Sub
Sub Set_ParagraphTextGz_All()
If vTabLVL(2) <> cTabWidthPTS Then SetTabLVLs
SetParagraphTextGz "Paragraph Text Gz", "", vTabLVL(1)
SetParagraphTextGz "Normal", "", vTabLVL(1)
SetParagraphTextGz "Paragraph Text L2 Gz", "Paragraph Text Gz", _
SetParagraphTextGz "Paragraph Text L3 Gz", "Paragraph Text Gz", _
SetParagraphTextGz "Paragraph Text L4 Gz", "Paragraph Text Gz", _
End Sub
Sub Set_ActionGz()
Dim vNames() As Variant
vNames = Array("1.wmf", "2.wmf")
x_SetBulletStyle "Action Gz", 12, 12, "Action", -1, 1, vNames
End Sub
Private Sub SetTabLVLs()
Dim I
For I = 1 To 10
vTabLVL(I) = (I - 1) * cTabWidthPTS
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub SetParagraphTextGz(sStyleName As String, _
sBaseStyle As String, _
sngIndent As Single)
Dim STY As Style
On Error Resume Next
Set STY = ActiveDocument.Styles(sStyleName)
On Error GoTo 0
If STY Is Nothing Then Set STY = _
ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(sStyleName, 1)
With STY
.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
.AutomaticallyUpdate = False: .NoProofing = 0: .Hidden = False
.NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle = False
.BaseStyle = sBaseStyle
.NextParagraphStyle = sStyleName
.Borders.Enable = False
x_BaseFont .Font
x_BaseParagraphFormat .ParagraphFormat
.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent = sngIndent
With .Shading
.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.Texture = wdTextureNone
End With ' .Shading
End With ' STY
End Sub
Private Sub x_BaseFont(FNT As Font)
With FNT
.AllCaps = 0: .Animation = 0: .DoubleStrikeThrough = 0
.Hidden = 0
.Name = "Tahoma": .Position = 0: .Scaling = 100: .Shadow = 0
.SmallCaps = 0: .StrikeThrough = 0: .Subscript = 0
.Superscript = 0
.Outline = 0
.Size = 10
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
.Bold = 0
.Italic = 0
.Underline = 0
.UnderlineColor = wdColorAutomatic
.Spacing = 0
.Kerning = 0
End With ' FNT
End Sub
Private Sub x_BaseParagraphFormat(PFMT As ParagraphFormat)
.AutoAdjustRightIndent = -1
.BaseLineAlignment = wdBaselineAlignAuto
.CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0: .CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0
.CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0: .DisableLineHeightGrid = 0
.HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine = 0: .HangingPunctuation = -1
.Hyphenation = -1: .LineUnitAfter = 0: .LineUnitBefore = 0
.NoLineNumber = 0: .ReadingOrder = 1
.WidowControl = -1: .WordWrap = -1
.SpaceBeforeAuto = 0: .SpaceAfterAuto = 0
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
.FirstLineIndent = 0
.LeftIndent = 0
.RightIndent = 0
.KeepTogether = 0
.KeepWithNext = 0
.PageBreakBefore = 0
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceSingle
.LineSpacing = 12
.SpaceAfter = 3
.SpaceBefore = 3
End With ' PFMT
End Sub
Private Sub x_SetBulletStyle(aStyleName As String, _
aBullWidth As Single, aBullFontSize As Single, _
aBullFileStart As String, aBasePos As Long, _
aGalleryNum As Long, aBullFileEnds() As Variant, _
Optional aBorderColor As Long = -1, _
Optional aSpaceBefAft As Long = 3)
Const sBaseStyle As String = "Paragraph Text Gz"
Dim STY As Style, LTP As ListTemplate, sLtpName As String
Dim sNextPara As String, sFile As String, sngBullPos As Single
Dim lMax As Byte, lCurr As Byte, I As Byte
If vTabLVL(2) <> cTabWidthPTS Then SetTabLVLs
sLtpName = "LT " & aStyleName
sNextPara = aStyleName
sFile = cBullPath & aBullFileStart
sngBullPos = (((vTabLVL(2) - cSpcBullParaPTS - vTabLVL(1)) _
- aBullWidth) / 2) + vTabLVL(1)
lMax = UBound(aBullFileEnds)
On Error Resume Next
Set STY = ActiveDocument.Styles(aStyleName)
On Error GoTo 0
If STY Is Nothing Then Set STY = _
ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(aStyleName, 1)
On Error Resume Next
Set LTP = STY.ListTemplate
On Error GoTo 0
If LTP Is Nothing Then
ListGalleries(wdOutlineNumberGallery).Reset aGalleryNum
Set LTP = _
End If
With STY
.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
.AutomaticallyUpdate = False: .NoProofing = 0: .Hidden = False
.NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle = False
.BaseStyle = sBaseStyle
.NextParagraphStyle = sNextPara
If aBorderColor = -1 Then
.Borders.Enable = False
With .Borders
.DistanceFromBottom = 1
.DistanceFromLeft = 4
.DistanceFromRight = 4
.DistanceFromTop = 1
.Shadow = False
For I = 1 To 4
With .Item(I)
.Visible = True
.Color = aBorderColor
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth075pt
End With
Next I
.Item(5).Visible = False
End With ' .Borders
End If
With .Font
.AllCaps = 0: .Animation = 0: .DoubleStrikeThrough = 0
.Hidden = 0
.Name = "Tahoma": .Position = 0: .Scaling = 100: .Shadow = 0
.SmallCaps = 0: .StrikeThrough = 0
.Subscript = 0: .Superscript = 0
.Outline = 0
.Size = 10
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
.Bold = 0
.Italic = 0
.Underline = 0
.UnderlineColor = wdColorAutomatic
.Spacing = 0
.Kerning = 0
End With ' .Font
With .ParagraphFormat
.AutoAdjustRightIndent = -1
.BaseLineAlignment = wdBaselineAlignAuto
.CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0: .CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0
.CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0: .DisableLineHeightGrid = 0
.HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine = 0: .HangingPunctuation = -1
.Hyphenation = -1: .LineUnitAfter = 0: .LineUnitBefore = 0
.NoLineNumber = 0: .ReadingOrder = 1
.WidowControl = -1: .WordWrap = -1
.SpaceBeforeAuto = 0: .SpaceAfterAuto = 0
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
.FirstLineIndent = -(vTabLVL(2) - sngBullPos)
.LeftIndent = vTabLVL(2)
.RightIndent = 0
.KeepTogether = 0
.KeepWithNext = 0
.PageBreakBefore = 0
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
.LineSpacing = 12
.SpaceAfter = aSpaceBefAft
.SpaceBefore = aSpaceBefAft
With .TabStops
.Add vTabLVL(2), wdAlignTabLeft, wdTabLeaderSpaces
End With ' .TabStops
End With ' .ParagraphFormat
With .Shading
.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.Texture = wdTextureNone
End With ' .Shading
With LTP
I = 1: lCurr = 0
x_LstLvlPctBullNew .ListLevels(I), aStyleName, vTabLVL(I + 1), _
vTabLVL(I), aBullWidth, aBullFontSize, _
sFile & aBullFileEnds(lCurr), aBasePos
For I = 2 To 9
lCurr = lCurr + 1
If lCurr > lMax Then lCurr = 0
x_LstLvlPctBullNew .ListLevels(I), "", vTabLVL(I + 1), _
vTabLVL(I), _
aBullWidth, aBullFontSize, _
sFile & aBullFileEnds(lCurr), aBasePos
Next I
If .Name = "" Then .Name = sLtpName
End With ' LTP
If .ListTemplate Is Nothing Then .LinkToListTemplate LTP, 1
End With ' STY
End Sub
Private Sub x_LstLvlPctBullNew(aLLVL As ListLevel, _
aLnkStyle As String, _
aParaPosPTS As Single, aPrevParaPosPTS As Single, _
aBullWidthPTS As Single, _
aFontSizePTS As Single, aPictFile As String, _
Optional aBasePosPTS As Long = 0)
Dim sngBullPosPTS As Single
sngBullPosPTS = (((aParaPosPTS - cSpcBullParaPTS _
- aPrevParaPosPTS) _
- aBullWidthPTS) / 2) + aPrevParaPosPTS
With aLLVL
.Alignment = 0: .NumberFormat = ChrW(61623)
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStylePictureBullet
.ResetOnHigher = 0: .StartAt = 1: .TrailingCharacter = 0
.NumberPosition = sngBullPosPTS
.TabPosition = aParaPosPTS
.TextPosition = .TabPosition
.LinkedStyle = aLnkStyle
With .Font
.AllCaps = wdUndefined: .Animation = wdUndefined
.DoubleStrikeThrough = wdUndefined: .Hidden = wdUndefined
.Name = "Symbol": .Bold = wdUndefined: .Color = wdColorAutomatic
.Italic = wdUndefined: .Kerning = wdUndefined
.Outline = wdUndefined
.Scaling = wdUndefined: .Shadow = wdUndefined
.SmallCaps = wdUndefined
.Spacing = wdUndefined: .StrikeThrough = wdUndefined
.Subscript = wdUndefined: .Superscript = wdUndefined
.Underline = wdUndefined: .UnderlineColor = wdUndefined
.Size = aFontSizePTS
.Position = aBasePosPTS
End With ' .Font
.ApplyPictureBullet aPictFile
End With ' aLLVL
End Sub
- - - - - - - - - - - -
J Whales
I created a template containing lots of 'Outlined numbered' styles with
picture bullets. I did it all with VBA, 'cause I read in the
newsgroups all kinds of horror stories about lists and our previous
template was indeed starting to unravel...
Everything seemed to work OK, but then I wanted to modify some of the
styles. Again, I used my VBA procedures to do the update (the same
used to create the styles) and changes appear OK in the template. But
when I reopen the template (after closing Word) some of the picture
bullets are not there! The style's list levels still contains the
PictureBullet object, but it is not displayed.
I copied the code used below. I'm working in Word 2003 SP1 on Windows
XP SP2. The images I use for my picture bullets are .WMF.
Thank you for reading me !
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Option Explicit
Const cTabWidthPTS As Single = 19!
Const cSpcBullParaPTS As Single = 4!
Const cBullPath As String = "C:\My Template\Images\"
Dim vTabLVL(1 To 10) As Single
Sub Set_Document()
If vTabLVL(2) <> cTabWidthPTS Then SetTabLVLs
ActiveDocument.DefaultTabStop = vTabLVL(2)
End Sub
Sub Set_ParagraphTextGz_All()
If vTabLVL(2) <> cTabWidthPTS Then SetTabLVLs
SetParagraphTextGz "Paragraph Text Gz", "", vTabLVL(1)
SetParagraphTextGz "Normal", "", vTabLVL(1)
SetParagraphTextGz "Paragraph Text L2 Gz", "Paragraph Text Gz", _
SetParagraphTextGz "Paragraph Text L3 Gz", "Paragraph Text Gz", _
SetParagraphTextGz "Paragraph Text L4 Gz", "Paragraph Text Gz", _
End Sub
Sub Set_ActionGz()
Dim vNames() As Variant
vNames = Array("1.wmf", "2.wmf")
x_SetBulletStyle "Action Gz", 12, 12, "Action", -1, 1, vNames
End Sub
Private Sub SetTabLVLs()
Dim I
For I = 1 To 10
vTabLVL(I) = (I - 1) * cTabWidthPTS
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub SetParagraphTextGz(sStyleName As String, _
sBaseStyle As String, _
sngIndent As Single)
Dim STY As Style
On Error Resume Next
Set STY = ActiveDocument.Styles(sStyleName)
On Error GoTo 0
If STY Is Nothing Then Set STY = _
ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(sStyleName, 1)
With STY
.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
.AutomaticallyUpdate = False: .NoProofing = 0: .Hidden = False
.NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle = False
.BaseStyle = sBaseStyle
.NextParagraphStyle = sStyleName
.Borders.Enable = False
x_BaseFont .Font
x_BaseParagraphFormat .ParagraphFormat
.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent = sngIndent
With .Shading
.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.Texture = wdTextureNone
End With ' .Shading
End With ' STY
End Sub
Private Sub x_BaseFont(FNT As Font)
With FNT
.AllCaps = 0: .Animation = 0: .DoubleStrikeThrough = 0
.Hidden = 0
.Name = "Tahoma": .Position = 0: .Scaling = 100: .Shadow = 0
.SmallCaps = 0: .StrikeThrough = 0: .Subscript = 0
.Superscript = 0
.Outline = 0
.Size = 10
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
.Bold = 0
.Italic = 0
.Underline = 0
.UnderlineColor = wdColorAutomatic
.Spacing = 0
.Kerning = 0
End With ' FNT
End Sub
Private Sub x_BaseParagraphFormat(PFMT As ParagraphFormat)
.AutoAdjustRightIndent = -1
.BaseLineAlignment = wdBaselineAlignAuto
.CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0: .CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0
.CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0: .DisableLineHeightGrid = 0
.HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine = 0: .HangingPunctuation = -1
.Hyphenation = -1: .LineUnitAfter = 0: .LineUnitBefore = 0
.NoLineNumber = 0: .ReadingOrder = 1
.WidowControl = -1: .WordWrap = -1
.SpaceBeforeAuto = 0: .SpaceAfterAuto = 0
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
.FirstLineIndent = 0
.LeftIndent = 0
.RightIndent = 0
.KeepTogether = 0
.KeepWithNext = 0
.PageBreakBefore = 0
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceSingle
.LineSpacing = 12
.SpaceAfter = 3
.SpaceBefore = 3
End With ' PFMT
End Sub
Private Sub x_SetBulletStyle(aStyleName As String, _
aBullWidth As Single, aBullFontSize As Single, _
aBullFileStart As String, aBasePos As Long, _
aGalleryNum As Long, aBullFileEnds() As Variant, _
Optional aBorderColor As Long = -1, _
Optional aSpaceBefAft As Long = 3)
Const sBaseStyle As String = "Paragraph Text Gz"
Dim STY As Style, LTP As ListTemplate, sLtpName As String
Dim sNextPara As String, sFile As String, sngBullPos As Single
Dim lMax As Byte, lCurr As Byte, I As Byte
If vTabLVL(2) <> cTabWidthPTS Then SetTabLVLs
sLtpName = "LT " & aStyleName
sNextPara = aStyleName
sFile = cBullPath & aBullFileStart
sngBullPos = (((vTabLVL(2) - cSpcBullParaPTS - vTabLVL(1)) _
- aBullWidth) / 2) + vTabLVL(1)
lMax = UBound(aBullFileEnds)
On Error Resume Next
Set STY = ActiveDocument.Styles(aStyleName)
On Error GoTo 0
If STY Is Nothing Then Set STY = _
ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(aStyleName, 1)
On Error Resume Next
Set LTP = STY.ListTemplate
On Error GoTo 0
If LTP Is Nothing Then
ListGalleries(wdOutlineNumberGallery).Reset aGalleryNum
Set LTP = _
End If
With STY
.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
.AutomaticallyUpdate = False: .NoProofing = 0: .Hidden = False
.NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle = False
.BaseStyle = sBaseStyle
.NextParagraphStyle = sNextPara
If aBorderColor = -1 Then
.Borders.Enable = False
With .Borders
.DistanceFromBottom = 1
.DistanceFromLeft = 4
.DistanceFromRight = 4
.DistanceFromTop = 1
.Shadow = False
For I = 1 To 4
With .Item(I)
.Visible = True
.Color = aBorderColor
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth075pt
End With
Next I
.Item(5).Visible = False
End With ' .Borders
End If
With .Font
.AllCaps = 0: .Animation = 0: .DoubleStrikeThrough = 0
.Hidden = 0
.Name = "Tahoma": .Position = 0: .Scaling = 100: .Shadow = 0
.SmallCaps = 0: .StrikeThrough = 0
.Subscript = 0: .Superscript = 0
.Outline = 0
.Size = 10
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
.Bold = 0
.Italic = 0
.Underline = 0
.UnderlineColor = wdColorAutomatic
.Spacing = 0
.Kerning = 0
End With ' .Font
With .ParagraphFormat
.AutoAdjustRightIndent = -1
.BaseLineAlignment = wdBaselineAlignAuto
.CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0: .CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0
.CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0: .DisableLineHeightGrid = 0
.HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine = 0: .HangingPunctuation = -1
.Hyphenation = -1: .LineUnitAfter = 0: .LineUnitBefore = 0
.NoLineNumber = 0: .ReadingOrder = 1
.WidowControl = -1: .WordWrap = -1
.SpaceBeforeAuto = 0: .SpaceAfterAuto = 0
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
.OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevelBodyText
.FirstLineIndent = -(vTabLVL(2) - sngBullPos)
.LeftIndent = vTabLVL(2)
.RightIndent = 0
.KeepTogether = 0
.KeepWithNext = 0
.PageBreakBefore = 0
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
.LineSpacing = 12
.SpaceAfter = aSpaceBefAft
.SpaceBefore = aSpaceBefAft
With .TabStops
.Add vTabLVL(2), wdAlignTabLeft, wdTabLeaderSpaces
End With ' .TabStops
End With ' .ParagraphFormat
With .Shading
.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.ForegroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic
.Texture = wdTextureNone
End With ' .Shading
With LTP
I = 1: lCurr = 0
x_LstLvlPctBullNew .ListLevels(I), aStyleName, vTabLVL(I + 1), _
vTabLVL(I), aBullWidth, aBullFontSize, _
sFile & aBullFileEnds(lCurr), aBasePos
For I = 2 To 9
lCurr = lCurr + 1
If lCurr > lMax Then lCurr = 0
x_LstLvlPctBullNew .ListLevels(I), "", vTabLVL(I + 1), _
vTabLVL(I), _
aBullWidth, aBullFontSize, _
sFile & aBullFileEnds(lCurr), aBasePos
Next I
If .Name = "" Then .Name = sLtpName
End With ' LTP
If .ListTemplate Is Nothing Then .LinkToListTemplate LTP, 1
End With ' STY
End Sub
Private Sub x_LstLvlPctBullNew(aLLVL As ListLevel, _
aLnkStyle As String, _
aParaPosPTS As Single, aPrevParaPosPTS As Single, _
aBullWidthPTS As Single, _
aFontSizePTS As Single, aPictFile As String, _
Optional aBasePosPTS As Long = 0)
Dim sngBullPosPTS As Single
sngBullPosPTS = (((aParaPosPTS - cSpcBullParaPTS _
- aPrevParaPosPTS) _
- aBullWidthPTS) / 2) + aPrevParaPosPTS
With aLLVL
.Alignment = 0: .NumberFormat = ChrW(61623)
.NumberStyle = wdListNumberStylePictureBullet
.ResetOnHigher = 0: .StartAt = 1: .TrailingCharacter = 0
.NumberPosition = sngBullPosPTS
.TabPosition = aParaPosPTS
.TextPosition = .TabPosition
.LinkedStyle = aLnkStyle
With .Font
.AllCaps = wdUndefined: .Animation = wdUndefined
.DoubleStrikeThrough = wdUndefined: .Hidden = wdUndefined
.Name = "Symbol": .Bold = wdUndefined: .Color = wdColorAutomatic
.Italic = wdUndefined: .Kerning = wdUndefined
.Outline = wdUndefined
.Scaling = wdUndefined: .Shadow = wdUndefined
.SmallCaps = wdUndefined
.Spacing = wdUndefined: .StrikeThrough = wdUndefined
.Subscript = wdUndefined: .Superscript = wdUndefined
.Underline = wdUndefined: .UnderlineColor = wdUndefined
.Size = aFontSizePTS
.Position = aBasePosPTS
End With ' .Font
.ApplyPictureBullet aPictFile
End With ' aLLVL
End Sub
- - - - - - - - - - - -
J Whales