Following the basic error handling on this page
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/168336, many of my functions therefore have
quite long error handling sections, compared to their actual function of opening
a database connection and perhaps calling a stored procedure.
How 'safe' is it to put some of the ADODB error handling into another function?
If I am already inside an error, should I really be calling other functions?
Follow - does it make a difference to the function that there is a final "GoTo
Done", instead of a "Resume Done" ? Is there any effective difference between
the two?
Many thanks
Following the basic error handling on this page
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/168336, many of my functions therefore have
quite long error handling sections, compared to their actual function of opening
a database connection and perhaps calling a stored procedure.
How 'safe' is it to put some of the ADODB error handling into another function?
If I am already inside an error, should I really be calling other functions?
Follow - does it make a difference to the function that there is a final "GoTo
Done", instead of a "Resume Done" ? Is there any effective difference between
the two?
Many thanks