Long explination...



A legal case may have multiple plaintiffs and defendants.
The defendants may be served legal papers. How do I get
the form (and then the report) to recognize when the
defendant is the person being served? Sometimes you serve
one or more of the defendants. Does any body see where I
am going? Thanks for reading this confusing post.


Hi Ed

I have zero knowledge of how legal system works. But from what you wrote I could figure out that you need your data to be stored in following tables

1. Case Details Table (Case ID
2. Plaintiff Details Table (Plaintiff ID
3. Defendants Details Table ( Defendant ID
4. Legal Paper Details Table ( Legal Paper ID, Case ID and Defendant ID

In the round brackets you see the primary key fields in each table

The relationship between these tables needs to be set as

1. Case Details Table(Case ID) - Legal Paper Details Table (Case ID) - one to many relationshi
2. Legal Paper Details Table (Defendant ID) - Defendant Details Table (Defendant ID) - one to many relationshi

The round brackets show the common field to set the relationship

I don't know how plaintiff will fit the scenario. If you can explain what it means and the details stored about it, maybe I can help you on that


----- Ed wrote: ----

A legal case may have multiple plaintiffs and defendants.
The defendants may be served legal papers. How do I get
the form (and then the report) to recognize when the
defendant is the person being served? Sometimes you serve
one or more of the defendants. Does any body see where I
am going? Thanks for reading this confusing post


Thanks for your response. I have the tables set up like so:

1. Customer Table (one to many relationship to Case Table,
and lookup to Customer Catagory table)
2. Case Table (many to one (see above) relationship to
Customer Table, various lookups (city, state, etc.), a one
to many relationship to the Defendants table, a one to
many relationship to the Plaintifs table and a one to many
relationship to the Served Table).
3 Served Table (many to one relationship to the Case
table, various lookups, a one to one with a Service Fees
table, and a one to many relationship to the Service
Attempts table).

What I want the database to do is recognize when one of
the Defendents is a person served (from the served table).
On an affidavit of service, you put the plaintiffs and
defendants names in a a case at the top. A case may have
mulitple plaintifs and defendants. Sometimes you serve one
of the defendants in the case. Sometimes the person you
serve is not the defendant. When the person served is the
defendant, the listed defendant needs to be on the
affidavit. I want to create a event procedure that
recognizes when you enter the Served person/party is one
of the lists of defendants. I think I can do it with an
update query that runs from a marco when you exit the
field on the form. Any suggestions?

Thanks again for reading my first post and this one too.

-----Original Message-----
Hi Ed!

I have zero knowledge of how legal system works. But from
what you wrote I could figure out that you need your data
to be stored in following tables:
1. Case Details Table (Case ID)
2. Plaintiff Details Table (Plaintiff ID)
3. Defendants Details Table ( Defendant ID)
4. Legal Paper Details Table ( Legal Paper ID, Case ID and Defendant ID)

In the round brackets you see the primary key fields in each table.

The relationship between these tables needs to be set as:

1. Case Details Table(Case ID) - Legal Paper Details
Table (Case ID) - one to many relationship
2. Legal Paper Details Table (Defendant ID) - Defendant
Details Table (Defendant ID) - one to many relationship
The round brackets show the common field to set the relationship.

I don't know how plaintiff will fit the scenario. If you
can explain what it means and the details stored about it,
maybe I can help you on that.

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