Couple of questions for a C#er moving into the world of VBA (I'm done
with the swearing and the 'what do you mean it can't' moments, you
work with what you're given! Still, doesn't mean I have to like it,
I'm working in Excel here - 2003 mostly
1) My IDE has a Pause button on it - but when I run something
complicated it locks up both Excel and the IDE. Why do I have a pause
button? Is there some way I can detatch my IDE from the VBA execution
and keep it responsive?
2) If I am doing a long process (and the processes I've been brought
onboard to manage are long, boring and mostly repetative - why can't I
use C#? Group said no - VBA only) can I make it occasionaly display a
"This process is taking a long time - do you wish to terminate this
process?" window which doesn't block the thread execution (so it
doesn't matter if you've gone to the toilet).
I think I know the answer to both of these questions, I think it's
rather short and begins with n. I have already cried my last tear of
frustration, it can't get worse.
--> Josh
with the swearing and the 'what do you mean it can't' moments, you
work with what you're given! Still, doesn't mean I have to like it,
I'm working in Excel here - 2003 mostly
1) My IDE has a Pause button on it - but when I run something
complicated it locks up both Excel and the IDE. Why do I have a pause
button? Is there some way I can detatch my IDE from the VBA execution
and keep it responsive?
2) If I am doing a long process (and the processes I've been brought
onboard to manage are long, boring and mostly repetative - why can't I
use C#? Group said no - VBA only) can I make it occasionaly display a
"This process is taking a long time - do you wish to terminate this
process?" window which doesn't block the thread execution (so it
doesn't matter if you've gone to the toilet).
I think I know the answer to both of these questions, I think it's
rather short and begins with n. I have already cried my last tear of
frustration, it can't get worse.
--> Josh