Long time opening table


Carlos Fernandes

I user access 2002 to open an SQL Server table from a
database with about 400 tables. Access takes about 2
minutes opening and showing the table. Profiler shows a
lot of SELECT statements reading from sysreferences and
sysobjects. How can I avoid the reads?
Same tables open fast in code and enterprise manager.

Vadim Rapp

CF> I user access 2002 to open an SQL Server table
CF> from a database with about 400 tables. Access
CF> takes about 2 minutes opening and showing the
CF> table. Profiler shows a lot of SELECT statements
CF> reading from sysreferences and sysobjects. How can
CF> I avoid the reads? Same tables open fast in code
CF> and enterprise manager.

It's by design, Access is retrieving from the database all information about
inter-table relations. It's doing it only the first time you open a table,
so the best thing you can do is to synchorinize opening the first table with
your coffee coming ready.

In production, the best practice is to give the users access to the data
through the forms, never directly to the tables, so this won't affect the


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