look ahead with correct Gantt chart


swell estimator

I've done my first look-ahead schedule but the Gantt chart to the right of
the Tasks Table (and what is the correct term?) starts at the beginning of
the project and I want it to represent the filtered-date range of the tasks
that occur in that date range only.

Can it be done? thank you, Swell

Jim Aksel

Sure, we'll give you an "A" on vocabulary :) or you can call it "The
graphical portion of the Gantt Chart."

You can manually scroll the horizontal slider at the bottom of the Gantt
Chart to meet your needs. You may also format the timescale (right click on
the timescale, format timescale). When printing, the Print Dialog box will
let you print a date range (File/Print...) and specify the dates you desire.

Do a print preview to make sure you are getting what you want.

Advanced: Press F5 and key a date or a task ID. The Gantt Chart scrolls to
that date. Or, Select a task and press the "Go to Task" icon (to the left of
the camera and to the right of the magnifying glass on the Stamdard Toolbar).

That is my overcaffinated response.
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

Check out my blog for more information:


Hello swell,

If you are trying to print the schedule, the File > Print command
allows you to specify the date range. If you are just viewing the
schedule, sorry it will always show the entire date range from 1983
to 2049.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit http://project.mvps.org/ for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project

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Gérard Ducouret

swell estimator,

Have you tried to use the "Date Range..." filter

Gérard Ducouret

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