Look for a value and clear it


Dan R.

I'm trying to find anything in column 9 that = "-//200-" and clear it.
Why does this not work?

iEnd = ws.Cells(65536, 9).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(3, 9), Cells(iEnd, 9))
For Each c In rng
If InStr(c, "-//200-") = False Then c.Clear
Next c

-- Dan

Dan R.

oops, that should be:

iEnd = ws.Cells(65536, 9).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(3, 9), Cells(iEnd, 9))
For Each c In rng
If InStr(c, "-//200-") = True Then c.Clear
Next c

Chip Pearson


If InStr(c, "-//200-") = True Then c.Clear


If InStr(c, "-//200-") > 0 Then c.Clear

True has a numeric value of -1, and InStr returns 0 or a positive integer
indicating the position at which the string was found. It will never
return -1. For example

Dim P As Integer
P = InStr(1, "ABC", "B")
Debug.Print "P = True: " & (P = True), "P = " & P

You'll see that P is not equal to True.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email address is on the web site)

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